Get involved & turn your ideas into policies by joining a SSMU Council committee!

Get involved & turn your ideas into policies by joining a SSMU Council committee!

Many important committees of SSMU’s Legislative Council, one of the highest decision-making bodies of your student union, are seeking members-at-large! This is a chance for any interested SSMU member (you!) to provide feedback and research in councilors’ projects; it can often be a flexible time commitment depending how many projects you want to take on, but is definitely a great opportunity to learn about how the students’ society works and give your input. From approving new club applications to dictating SSMU’s external affairs priorities to allocating funding and researching ethical investments, there is something for everyone and lots to do as you discuss SSMU’s big projects with SSMU councilors, execs, and staff. The specific terms of reference of each committee can be found here:
Check out the descriptions below of all the committees currently seeking members from the student body and send in your application or any questions to the email address listed!


Interest Group Committee:

We are looking for several members-at-large as well as several representatives from club and services executives for SSMU Interest Group Committee! This is the committee that meets every two weeks to approve new club applications, review changes to clubs/services constitutions, and recommend changes in clubs- and services-related policies.

This is a great way to make your voice heard and learn more about how the SSMU bureaucracy works, especially if you’re involved with any SSMU clubs, services, or other groups.

Please email your application (a cover letter with a brief statement on why you’re interested, and your CV) to Enbal Singer, Interest Group Coordinator, at by Wednesday at 5pm and feel free to email Allison Cooper, Vice President (Clubs and Services), at if you have any questions!

Deadlines for submission : Wednesday October 3rd, 5pm

External Affairs Committee

The External Affairs Committee is seeking student member at large!

This committee will be responsible for keeping SSMU Council informed on all matters related to the External Affairs portfolio. The committee will serve as an advisory to the Vice-President (External), but may from time to time present research and other pertinent recommendations to Council.

The Committee shall:

Advise the Vice-President (External) on current issues relating to their portfolio

Support and mobilize for the campaigns of SSMU relating to external issues, including but not limited to postsecondary education policy, environmental issues and human rights issues.

Review and make recommendations on SSMU’s affiliations with Provincial, Federal, or International student associations.

Recommend SSMU positions on issues relating to tuition and education policy, environmental and social justice issues, and other relevant current events.

Set budgetary priorities for the External Affairs and Campaigns Budgets.

Take on other projects as deemed appropriate by the Vice-President (External).

If you are interested in sitting on this committee, please email SSMU VP External Robin Reid-Fraser at, with “External Affairs Committee” in the subject line. Please include a short paragraph about yourself and why you are interested in sitting on this committee. Please also attach a copy of your CV.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Robin using either the above email address, or by calling 514-398-6798.


Community Engagement Committee

Community Engagement Committee is seeking members-at-large!

This committee previously had the mandate of allocating the SSMU Charity Fund, but that fund is now being overseen by another committee so this year will be a chance to try something new.

The intention this year is to bring together groups from around campus that are involved in community relations activities and find ways to support one another, promote events, and find new ways to encourage students to get involved beyond McGill campus.

If you are interested in sitting on this committee, please email SSMU VP External Robin Reid-Fraser at and/or Community Engagement Commissioner Inna Tarabukhina at, with “Community Engagement Committee” in the subject line. Please include a short paragraph about yourself and why you are interested in sitting on this committee. Please also include an attached copy of your CV.

If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to call Robin at 514-398-6798.



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