Hey Graduates!
The Old McGill Yearbook 2014-2015 is here at the SSMU!
Ever since it was first published in 1898, the Old McGill Yearbook has captured the life of McGill and its students.
Grab your Yearbook directly at the SSMU Office Front Desk from May 14th July 31st:
3600 rue McTavish, Suite 1200
Montreal, QC H3A 0G3
Or at the McGill Bookstore from May 20th June 5th:
3420 rue McTavish, Suite 1200
Montreal, QC H3A 0G3
For any question regarding the Old McGill Yearbook, please visit: http://ssmu.ca/about-us/publications/old-mcgill-yearbook/
SSMU Yearbook Team