SSMU Statement Regarding the US Presidential Election

SSMU Statement Regarding the US Presidential Election

November 10th 2016
Fellow McGillians,

On Tuesday night, huddled around TVs and computer screens, many of us watched as the 45th President of the United States won the election: Donald J. Trump. This election cycle has been a trying one. Regardless of your political stances, it is clear that partisanship has pushed today’s America past polarization. We live in a time where more than 50% of Democrats feel that the policies of the other side make them afraid, and 49% of Republicans share the same sentiment [1]. But politics do not end at party lines. Politics, like opinions, exist in every conversation, in every reality and identity, across state lines and the borders of nations. And to that extent the Students’ Society of McGill University want to reiterate the following message.

To our International students, our Canadian students, our Hispanic students, our Black students, our LGBTQQIAAP students, our GNC students, and to all intersecting identities who have found their realities placed on a flashcard for discussion, or who may actively feel less safe or mentally shaken due to the entirety of this election: now, more than ever, we are committed to standing together with you. McGill, Quebec, and Canada are in no way perfect, but we are committed to supplying and building upon the support resources that we have. To start, you can find some of our support resources here:

McGill Students’ Nightline (confidential listening service)
Phone Number: 514-398-6246
Hours of Operation: 6pm-3am, Monday – Sunday

Peer Support Center (face-to-face student support)
Location: SSMU Building, Room 411
Drop-In Hours: 1pm-7pm, Monday – Friday

Mental Health & Counselling Services (professional care)
Location: Brown Building, Suite 4200 & 5500
Phone Number: 514-398-3601/514-398-6019
Urgent Care Hours: 11pm-1pm, Friday

At a time like this we stand stronger in numbers. We can make change. We can make a difference. And we can continue to support one another.


Ben Ger, President
Sacha Lefebvre Magder, Vice-President (Operations)
Elaine Patterson, Vice-President (Student Life)
Daniel Lawrie, Vice-President (Internal Affairs)
Erin Sobat, Vice-President (University Affairs)
David Aird, Vice-President (External Affairs)
Niall Carolan, Vice-President (Finance)

Statement by SSMU Executive Regarding the US Presidential Elections 2016-11-10

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