Below you will find a breakdown of the 2019-2020 SSMU executives’ electoral platforms, brought directly from the campaign materials each executive published during the election period. In the chart, each platform plank is accompanied by an icon indicating the current stage of progress.
In Progress
Not Achieved
Bryan Buraga
Student Advocacy
Implement Fall Reading Break by Fall 2020
Strengthenprotections in McGill’s Sexual Violence Policy
Hold McGill administration accountable for implementing Calls to Action in the Provost’s Task Force on Indigenous Studies and Indigenous Education
Use the McGIll Board of Governors seat to push for fossil fuel divestment
Overhaul McGill’s Assessment Policy with an end to 70% finals and down-curving grades
Increase the length of exam periods to decrease exam conflicts
Increase student and Indigenous representation on McGIll’s Board of Governors and Senate
Increase McGill’s contribution to student health services
Increase the SSMU’s research capacity to have better evidence in advocacy work
Have the SSMU’s Francophone Affairs Committee take more of an advocacy role for francophone student issues
Continue to improve working relationships with McGill administrators
Hold membership on the McGill Board of Governors’ Building and Property Committee and the Committee to Advise on Matters of Social Responsibility
Financial and Institutional Reform
End uncompensated student labour at the SSMU
Achieve fair compensation for student staff at the SSMU
Reduce SSMU membership fees for students in financial need
Revise the SSMU’s policies on approving course fees
Ensure social justice-based initiatives are fully funded
Bring the International Health Insurance plan under the SSMU’s jurisdiction
Create of SSMU Legal Defence Fund/Legal Services
Perform a full revision of the SSMU’s Constitution and Internal Regulations by the Winter 2020 Referendum period
Create of Statistics SSMU, an office for data collection to ensure more informed decision-making
Reform SSMU General Assemblies
Make SSMU Legislative Council more accessible to the student body
Reform SSMU Board of Directors to be more democratic and representative of the student body
Review of electoral practices and regulations
Increase the number of permanent SSMU staff
Ensure the Involvement Restriction Policy is implemented
Review McGill’s meal plan practices
Work with the Macdonald Campus Students’ Society to integrate their students under the SSMU
Student Space Renewal
Renovate the SSMU’s 3501 Peel Street property to become a student wellness centre
Renovate Gerts, the 2nd floor cafeteria, and theatre in the SSMU University Centre
Continue Peel Street property acquisition to enable growth for Clubs and Services
Continue the UTILE proposal for the SSMU to build affordable student housing
Improved Student Support Services
Create the SSMU Student Academic Support Services, an integrated office to expand Open Educational Resources, notetaking for classes, and SSMU Tutoring
Create a SSMU phone app to provide more accessible information for SSMU Clubs and services, an Uber-like interface for Walksafe and Drivesafe, and student government business
Hold McGill accountable for health service improvements and waiting time goals from the Rossy Wellness Hub
Concrete Accountability and Transparency Measures
Implement a Conflict of Interest Policy
Create Ethics SSMU, an independent office housing the Equity, Anti-Violence, and Conflict of Interest portfolios
Implement a Policy on Freedom of Information Requests
Create a Whistleblower Policy
Ensure that election platforms of SSMU executives be available on the SSMU website with an election promise tracker
Create an easy-to-understand SSMU budget explainer
Introduce executive mid-term reviews as a Plebiscite question during the Fall Referendum period to gauge student opinion on Executives’
End membership of Directors on the SSMU Board of Directors’ Nominating Committee
Create of Communications SSMU, an office dedicated to improving communications with the student body
Create of a Policy on Discretionary Spending
Release discretionary spending reports once a semester
Broadcast biweekly Facebook Live updates and Q&A sessions
Host monthly Reddit AMAs
VP Student Life
Billy Kawasaki
Clubs and Services
Realize the Clubs portal and streamline administration
Mental Health
Continue the eating disorder programs
Advocate for mental health and for McGill to improve the new Mental Health Hub
Wellness Hub
Build a SSMU Network
Cultural and Community Centre
Work towards food security on campus
VP Finance
Sam Haward
Clubs and Services
Reform Club banking and finances
Implement a new investment plan for Services
Improve Club sanctions transparency
Ensure the Executive Finance Assistant position is renewed
Modernize the Finance Committee
Implement a new International Student Health Plan
Work towards reopening the University Center
Financial Transparency
Increase financial transparency
VP External
Adam Gwiazda-Amsel
Climate Justice
Work with the leaders of Divest McGill
Hold the administration accountable by examining their progress toward carbon neutrality by 2040
Community Engagement
Work on SSMU policies and increasing accessibility
Liaise with various SSMU External Affairs offices and facilitate cooperation
Expand opportunities for community engagement
Consult with Indigenous leaders about various projectsn
Hire an Anti-Sexual Violence Mobilization and Advocacy Coordinator to the OurTurn McGill Taskforce
Achieve inter-university associations representation
Engage in meaningful allyship practices
VP University Affairs
Madeline Wilson
Advocates for McGill’s divestment from fossil fuels
Sexual violence prevention
Hire more Policy and Advocacy Research Commissioners
Carry out the Know Your Rights campaign
Create toolkit
Carry out assessment-related advocacy
Create online database of university documents
Create an Open Educational Resources listing
Centralize academic accommodations policy
SSMU—University Relations
Consult with Indigenous leaders about various projectsn
Hire an Anti-Sexual Violence Mobilization and Advocacy Coordinator to the OurTurn McGill Taskforce
Achieve inter-university associations representation
Engage in meaningful allyship practices
Ensure a progressive presence at Senate
Shadow Task Forces and committee representation
Create waitlists for all compatible faculties
Revitalize the UA website and add permanent “University Updates” corner to SSMU Listserv
Increase collaboration between SSMU LIF and AUS LPC
Achieve SSMU governance reform
VP Internal
Sanchi Bhalla
Revamp the SSMU Listserv
Represent students’ political views
Increase student participation in SSMU and faculty Councils
Social Events
Work towards a more inclusive Frosh experience
Make Faculty Olympics appeal to a broader group of people
Make FYC more political rather than just event-planning