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Page: Previous Years’ General Assembly Documents

Previous Years’ General Assembly Documents   2023-2024 WINTER 2024 AGENDA Agenda-General Assembly (Winter 2024) 2024-02-05-Approved at Consultative Forum Ordre du Jour-Assemblée Générale Hiver 2024-02-05-Approuvé au forum consultatif STANDING RULES Standing Rules for the Winter 2024 General Assembly 2024-02-05-Approved at Consultative Forum Les règlements de l’Assemblée générale d’hiver 2024 2024-02-05-Approuvés au forum consultatif REPORTS GA Report-VP…

Blog: SSMU Members Brutalized by Police

June 8th, 2024 On Thursday, June 6th, student activists occupied the James Administration building demanding divestment in support of the Palestinian people. While this was occurring, students and community members standing outside the building were tear gassed and pepper sprayed by riot police.  The events of that afternoon were horrifying, further exacerbating divisions between students…

Blog: Frequently Asked Questions and Comments

We’ve received comments and inquiries from our community recently. We’ve compiled responses to the most frequently asked questions and comments to address these recurring topics efficiently. If you have any further questions or require additional clarification, don’t hesitate to reach out via the Feedback form. Thank you for your ongoing support and engagement with us….

Page: McGill Governance Structure

McGill Senate There are 13 Student Senators representing the undergraduate student body on the McGill University Senate. Each Senator is elected for a one-year term by their respective constituents, typically the undergraduate students in a specific Faculty or School. The McGill Senate is a governing body of the University tasked with general control and supervision…

Blog: Statement in Support of the AMPL

The Students Society of McGill University (SSMU) Legislative Council writes this statement to express our support for the Association of McGill Professors in Law (AMPL) in the ongoing collective agreement negotiations with the University. The AMPL has announced an unlimited strike if a collective agreement cannot be reached with the university by April 24th ….

Blog: SSMU History

History In 2008-2009, the SSMU celebrated its 100th anniversary. The following year, the SSMU Executive commissioned “100 Years of SSMU”. Below is the condensed version of how your student union came to be what it is today: 1902-1903 The Alma Mater Society is created. It officially becomes the representative body for students at McGill in…

Page: Student Resource Masterlist

Student Resource Masterlist There are a variety of resources accessible to students through SSMU, the University or the external community. In an effort to increase the availability and usage of these resources, SSMU has compiled a masterlist navigatable by searching, filters, tags, and tabs. Included in this list are resources for academic, disability, food security,…

Blog: SSMU Interruption of Services

Dear members, We wish to inform you that the Students’ Society of McGill University will be reducing our provided services for the period of April 8th to April 19th inclusive. During this time, the University Centre and SSMU Office will be closed. There may be delays in responses to your inquiries during this shutdown period….

Blog: Your TA is on strike!

The SSMU unequivocally supports The Association of Graduate Students Employed at McGill’s (AGSEM) strike to gain fair and liveable working conditions. Yes, your TA is on strike. AGSEM members voted 87.5% in favour of the strike mandate, given the lack of development in regular meetings between McGill administrators and the AGSEM bargaining unit. The strike…


The SSMU Environment Committee aims to bring all sustainable initiatives on campus together to create a larger more holistic impact! Come join the EC executive if you’re interested in promoting Sustainability on campus! Join as a general member or executive member depending on your interest. McGill student groups, clubs and any individual interested in sustainability…