Join the Sustainability Ambassador Start-of-Semester Potluck!

Join the Sustainability Ambassador Start-of-Semester Potluck!

Including tasty treats from Organic Campus

  • January 13th, Shatner B30 (near Gerts), 6-7pm

Join others who care about sustainability on campus for a welcome back potluck. Chat about your awesome sustainability ideas, or just what you did on your break.Bring along a treat if you can, or just stop by for some Organic Campus goodies!

The SSMU Environment Committee recently began a Sustainability Ambassadors program to help create a culture of sustainability at McGill by spreading the word about sustainability events, initiatives, policy changes, and more. This effective but low commitment role involves being a promoter through social networking, facebooking, emailing, class announcements, postering, word-of-mouth, etc. – whatever you have time for. You might already doing this, so wouldn’t it be awesome if we could all coordinate and help spread each other’s messages?

Start by becoming a fan of SSMU Sustainability Ambassadors on Facebook:

If you are interested in becoming an ambassador, please email your name, year, department and other relevant info to Bluth at

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