SSMU Awards 2010-11

SSMU Awards 2010-11

We will be accepting applications until 5pm on Monday March 21st!

Recognizing Excellence in Student Life 2010-2011

Each year the SSMU awards students and student groups who have shown themselves as outstanding in a variety of ways.  It is time for YOUR hard work and dedication to be recognized!

You will find the list of awards that are available below. Please use the questionnaire (below) to produce an application for one or more of these SSMU Awards.  You may nominate yourself or nominate another person (or group).  Applicants must answer the following questions in a separate document, and include the NAME, PHONE NUMBER and CONTACT EMAIL of the individual responsible for the nomination on the front page of their submission. Please limit your responses to each question to a maximum of 350 words.

Each application should supply the following information:

1.    Brief description of reason for nomination.

2.    Most important/significant achievements of nominee. Be specific.
[i.e. what the nominee has accomplished with its work (ex: money raised, interest aroused, good teamwork and/or solid membership, etc.)]

3.    Briefly describe how the nominee has contributed to life on campus, the broader community or society as a whole.

4.    What is unique about the nominee? i.e. what sets them apart from others in this category?

5.    Please include any other information you find relevant to your application.

Feel free to include videos, CD ROMs, pictures, press releases etc. The more information the selection committee has, the more information they have to base their decision. The quality of the presentation is a consideration in the selection process.

Completed applications should be submitted to the SSMU Office in the William and Mary Brown Student Services Building suite 1200 or emailed to NO LATER THAN Monday March 21st, 2011 at 5 pm.


For any questions, don’t hesitate to contact Tom Fabian, SSMU Vice-President Internal by calling 398-6799, or email at

All finalists will be invited to the SSMU Awards banquet on April 6th. Finalists will be contacted via email about the status of their application. Thank you for your application and we will be in touch soon!

Good luck and remember, the success of your participation at McGill and SSMU is not based on winning awards but rather you should take pride in your initiatives and contributions!





The following is a list and description of each award that can be applied for:

1.    Volunteer of the Year award will be presented to an individual who has demonstrated an exceptional commitment to an SSMU activity, event, club, or campus group. This person need not have been the coordinator of an undertaking, but should have played a consistently supportive role in its development.  This person should not be an elected student leader, but rather a committed volunteer who does not have a mandate to do the task.  Coordinators and elected student leaders should apply for Coordinator of the Year.

2.  Coordinator of the Year award will be presented to an SSMU coordinator or SSMU club / service / campus life project coordinator, or elected campus student leader, for example a Mini-Course, VP Internal of MUS, or SALSA Political Coordinator, who has demonstrated leadership and organizational skills, as well as innovation and creativity to ensure the success of their program.

3.    President of the Year award will be presented to a Club, Service, Faculty Association, or Departmental Association President who has demonstrated leadership and innovation.

4.  Young Alumni award will recognize a student in their final (graduating) year who has exhibited a consistent desire to promote student life during their time at McGill, such that the impact of their involvement has contributed to make a positive imprint on the fabric of the McGill community, and who has done so without credit or salaried pay.

5.    New Club of the Year award will be presented to a new club that has filled a significant void in campus life and has demonstrated their organization to be capable of growth and innovation

6.    Club of the Year award will be presented to a club which has fostered a solid membership, which has demonstrated its organization to be capable of growth, and which has sought to have an impact on the McGill community and broader society.

7.   SSMU Service of the Year award will be presented to the SSMU service that has shown itself to be constantly active, continually self-improving, and persistently serving the needs of students within SSMU, the McGill community at large, and Montreal.

8.   Faculty of the Year award will honor the faculty association that has worked to support teamwork among its constituents while striving to maintain a link with the larger McGill campus. It will have demonstrated an ability to work within tough circumstances and to develop initiatives designed to inform, serve, and involve the students it represents

9. Campus Group of the Year award will recognize an athletic team, residence hall, departmental association, or other non-SSMU-sponsored groups which has worked to enhance the quality of student life for its constituents in particular and McGill students in general.

10.  Committee of the Year will recognize an SSMU committee which has made outstanding contributions throughout the year.

11.  Publication of the Year award will be presented to a campus publication demonstrating an outstanding quality of editorial content and presentation.

12. Web Site of the Year award will recognize the student group web site that exhibits excellence in content, usability and design.

13.    SSMU Campus Life Fund Project of the Year award will be presented to a project sponsored by the SSMU through the Campus Life Fund that has shown itself to be a significant addition to campus life and of exceptional benefit to students.

14.    Political Event of the Year award will recognize social justice and political events sponsored by campus groups that benefit McGill and its students. Events are nominated are successful, either because of the cooperation they fostered, the discussion they enabled, or the interest they aroused.

15.    Social Event of the Year award will recognize activities sponsored by campus groups that benefit McGill and its students and were successful, either because of the cooperation they fostered, the interest they aroused, or the creativity and execution of the event.

16.    Charitable event of the year award will recognize activities run by on-campus groups that are charitable in nature. The charity in question can be local or international, but must be (or be sponsored by) a SSMU recognized or internationally recognized club or group. Winner will be determined not only by funds raised, but with such factors as scope, interest and creativity.

17.  Councilor of the Year will recognize a SSMU Councilor who has made outstanding contributions as a student representative throughout the year. (To be voted on among peers).

18.    Fred Sagel Memorial Award (Senator of the Year) will recognize a SSMU student Senator who has made outstanding contributions as a student representative throughout the year. (To be voted on among peers).

All awards are presented to recipients at the annual SSMU awards banquet.

?s – Contact Tom Fabian

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