Voting is now open for the Winter 2013 Referendum period – be sure to vote through the link in your email or by logging in at before 3pm on March 22nd! Click here for more information about the Referendum period.
SSMU’s Legislative Council has voted to endorse a “yes” vote in the motions regarding fee levies for the Sexual Assault Centre of McGill Students’ Society, the Equity Fund, and McGill Student Services.
The text of the motions passed last night are as follows, and can be found along with all other motions and reports discussed at SSMU Council here:
Motion Regarding Endorsement of the SACOMSS Fee Referendum Question
Whereas, the Sexual Assault Centre of McGill Students’ Society (SACOMSS) is one of the 21 student-run services operated under the SSMU;
Whereas, students have chosen to fund SACOMSS since 1994;
Whereas, the fee is now up for renewal;
Whereas, SACOMSS provides support to survivors of sexual assault and their allies through Crisis Intervention, Support Groups, Accompaniment, and Community Outreach;
Whereas, these services are essential to many members of the SSMU and wider McGill and Montreal communities;
Resolved, that the SSMU Legislative Council officially endorse a “yes” vote in SACOMSS’ fee renewal referendum in the Winter 2013 Referendum period,
Resolved, that this endorsement be publicly announced in the SSMU listserv and displayed prominently on the website during the Winter 2013 referendum campaign period.
Motion Regarding Endorsement of the Equity Fee Referendum Question
Whereas, in the Winter 2013 Referendum period a referendum question regarding establishing a SSMU Equity Fund has been proposed;
Whereas, the SSMU has a long-standing history of leadership on issues of Equity;
Whereas, given the fact that McGill University is home to students from over 150 countries, issues of equity and inclusiveness on campus are critical and have to be acknowledged and addressed;
Whereas, the Equity Fund will empower campus members to engage in initiatives that foster leadership, encourage civic engagement, and make observable and/or measurable differences in the representation or experiences of individuals who are members of historically and currently disadvantaged groups;
Whereas, the Equity Fund, which will be administered by the SSMU Funding Committee,will be the only student-regulated equity fund on campus, and therefore prioritizes students;
Resolved, that the SSMU Legislative Council officially endorse a “yes” vote for the Equity Fund fee levy referendum question in the Winter 2013 Referendum period,
Resolved, that this endorsement be publicly announced in the SSMU listserv and displayed prominently on the website during the Winter 2013 referendum campaign period
Motion Regarding Endorsement of Student Service Ancillary Fee Referendum Question
Whereas, the Student Services Fee supports Career Planning Services (CaPS), Chaplaincy, Counselling, First People’s House, First Year Office (Orientation), Health Services, International Student Services, Leadership Programs, Macdonald Campus Student Services, Mental Health, Office for Students with Disabilities (OSD), Tutorial Services, and Scholarships & Student Financial Aid;
Whereas, the listed student services funded by this fee are fully devoted for the well-being of all McGill students;
Whereas, the fee increases would allow the listed Student Services to adequately operate and keep pace with increasing student demand;
Whereas, SSMU has a general mandate to care for the well-being of every undergraduate student;
Resolved that SSMU Legislative Council endorse a “yes” vote to the Student Services Ancillary Fee Referendum Question in the Winter 2013 SSMU referendum period,
Resolved that this endorsement be posted on the SSMU website and listserv during the Winter 2013 referendum campaign period from March 15, 2013 to March 22, 2013.