Demonstration Against Montreal Bylaw P-6

Demonstration Against Montreal Bylaw P-6

Montreal municipal bylaw P-6 was modified in May 2012 to require that all demonstrations, parades and assemblies provide an itinerary to the police ahead of time. It also contains a vague clause banning the wearing of masks or other face coverings during demonstrations, parades and assemblies “without reasonable cause”. Since mid-March, this bylaw has been used as an excuse to kettle and arrest over 800 demonstrators in 3 major protests. Some people were arrested even before the demonstration actually began.

On April 11, the SSMU Legislative Council passed a motion opposing bylaw P-6., in that its use in this manner infringes on the fundamental freedoms of assembly and expression. The bylaw has also been condemned by the Association des Juristes Progressistes and the Canadian Civil Liberties Association.

Today at 6 pm in front of Montreal City Hall there will be a demonstration asking for its repeal. SSMU encourages its members to attend.”

Read the Motion Regarding Municipal By-Law 6 here.

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