SepWalksafe Begins Operations
Walksafe is a volunteer service that provides free and confidential accompaniment for those who are walking at night. We will...
NovWinter Activities Night 2020
475 Pine Ave WWith New Year’s resolutions in mind and a new semester in full swing, what better way to start off 2020...
NovRelax and De-Stress in the Mind Body Room!
475 Pine Ave WAre you wishing there was a peaceful place on campus safe from the traffic jam of Redpath and the construction...
NovCulture Shock 2019
QPIRG's Culture Shock series is back!! Culture Shock is an annual event series on anti-racism, migrant justice, and Indigenous solidarity....
NovSSMU Club Audit Office Hours
The mandatory Fall Club Audit is due January 7th for all clubs! If you would like a reminder about how...
NovMake A Mood Board
3559 Rue UniversityLadies, Let’s Talk About Sex is hosting their first event - and it is exactly what you need right now....
NovEducation Holiday Pop-Up Shop
3700 McTavishThe Faculty of Education is organizing its fourth Holiday POP-UP SHOP to raise money for Centraide (www.centraide-mtl.org) The pop-up shop...
NovMCHAM Talent Showcase
475 Sherbrooke St W''Sanity in Progress'' by Dani Kang is a play which depicts the everlasting journey of Adam, a high schooler, who...