SepMeditation Techniques Class
MORSL presents 4 online meditation techniques classes, led by experienced facilitator Devaki Groulx! Classes will occur on Zoom, Monday evenings...
SepSpiritual Yoga Off-the-Mat
Looking to stay grounded in chaotic times? Join MORSL for Spiritual Yoga Off-the-Mat! Taught by experienced instructor Milda Graham, this...
SepMidweek Morsels with MORSL
Looking to inject your week with positivity? Join us on Wednesdays from 12-1pm for our Midweek Morsels with MORSL on...
SepLessons from a Pandemic: Solutions for Addressing the Climate Change Crisis
On September 16, 2020, the Trottier Institute for Sustainability in Engineering and Design (TISED) will be hosting the 7th Annual...