Political and Social Activism Clubs

Political and Social Activism Clubs

Political and Social Activism Clubs

Advocate for the causes you believe in and fight for change with a Political and Social Activism Club!

Democrats Abroad @ McGill

Democrats at McGill is a politically active club on campus that assists U.S students in registering to vote, mailing in ballots, and accessing resources for Americans within Montreal. Additionally, the club hosts a variety of events including phone banking for democratic candidates, letter writing, and social events to discuss politics. Democrats at McGill places a strong emphasis on creating a safe, inclusive, and welcoming community for all students regardless of nationally who are passionate about social activism. We encourage all who are willing to fight for progressive policies and learn about the Democratic Party to join our club.


Diversity In Math

The Diversity in Math club at McGill university is dedicated to inspire people from all backgrounds to explore and develop their passion for mathematics.
We provide mentorship and networking opportunities to encourage students from underrepresented backgrounds to pursue mathematics-related careers. We host community-building events to foster an open learning environment in mathematics for underrepresented minorities and allies. We also push to raise awareness about the need for more diversity in mathematics.

If you want to be part of a warm and welcoming community and be connected to the resources you need to succeed in your mathematics career, do join our club!


ESG McGill

Open to all students, ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) McGill is focused on improving members’ financial literacy skills while exploring how market-based solutions can help mitigate social and climate issues. We are an environmentally oriented business club seeking diverse points of view from all perspectives. Through educational reporting, networking opportunities, and speaker events, our club seeks to promote the emerging sphere of ESG on campus

We’re interested in your financial future, and the future of the planet!




Expanding Economics

Expanding Economics is McGill University’s branch of a global network of groups called Rethinking Economics, which are united by the mission to practice and promote an economics that is open, relevant, and for everyone. To achieve this, we host various events on and off-campus and share resources on our social media that present new schools of economic thought and foster discussion on these perspectives. We also hope to create a stronger relationship with the Economics department at McGill in order to communicate our missions and have them incorporated into the curriculum at McGill.


Friends of Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) – SSMU

Friends of MSF groups are student societies in various Canadian Universities. Our McGill chapter is an official supporter of Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors without Borders). Our goals are to increase awareness for MSF, to create fundraising activities, and to encourage aspiring humanitarians to consider working with MSF. We aim to accomplish these goals through guest speaker events, case competitions, and workshops.



HeForShe McGill

HeForShe McGill is an SSMU club dedicated to raising awareness on campus about the importance of involving male-identifying and majority-gendered individuals in the movement for gender equality, and about gender issues, their causes, and their consequences on people of all genders. We seek to create a forum for discussion for those of all gender identities interested in gender issues, and encourage those who typically feel alienated from the movement to be a part of it, through interactive movie screenings, fundraisers, discussions, and educational events.


Indigenous Student Alliance

The Indigenous Student Alliance (ISA) is a community of Indigenous students and allies based at McGill University. The ISA aims to foster Indigenous community growth, unite Indigenous students and allies, and develop relationships with other marginalized communities. The ISA’s work is in constant conversation with the ideas and hopes of Indigenous students, with the goal of bringing them to life in our community.

Before the pandemic, the ISA could be found selling their bannock on campus, organizing community events, contributing to panel discussions, participating in cultural activities at First Peoples House, and just hanging out and building community! They intend to continue efforts like these in a hybrid sometimes virtual but mostly in person environment this year.

Journalists for Human Rights: McGill University Student

The JHR McGill Chapter is an entirely student-run platform that seeks to cover human rights stories objectively and effectively. We operate through the use of numerous forms of media, including an online journal, podcasts, and video segments. We are affiliated with the larger JHR organization. To this end, JHR McGill is dedicated to promoting a unified campus on issues related to human rights and journalism. We strive to collaborate with other clubs and services on events and campaigns. Groups that we have coordinated with in the past include TV McGill, CKUT, McGill Global AIDS Coalition, Cinema Politica, Arts Internship Office, among others. We are open to working with more clubs on campus: if you are part of a group and would like to work with JHR McGill, please contact us at jhrmcgill@ssmu.ca. Stay in touch by joining our listserv (email us at jhrmcgill@ssmu.ca) and our Facebook group.

Liberal McGill

Liberal McGill is accredited by the Young Liberals of Canada (Quebec) and is a student group of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU).

This page is a means to connect Liberals from across Canada with Liberals at McGill to discuss ideas, get information about our upcoming events, and further theCanadian political dialogue.

Any questions or comments? Contact us by email or Twitter (@LiberalMcGill). Or participate in our discussions on our Facebook group.

Learn more about the mandate and structure of Liberal McGill in their club constitution.

McGill Collective for Gender Equality

The McGill Collective for Gender Equality engages students through advocacy and fundraising. In support of our goal, our organization raises awareness about gender-based global issues such as violence against women and girls, reducing the spread of HIV/AIDS among women and girls, empowerment programs, and achieving gender equality in democratic governance in a time of peace and conflict. We organize events such as panel discussions on human rights and gender equality, film showings, fundraisers, and discussion groups.

We host a variety of fun, engaging events throughout the year to raise awareness, support local organizations, and build a strong community on campus, if this sounds interesting to you, we would love for you to come to our meetings — all are welcome!

If you have any questions please reach out to us 🙂


McGill Model Parliament

The McGill Model Parliament is a Student Group of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) which aims to establish a model of Canadian parliamentary process which delegates can participate in.


McGill Student Club for Animal Liberation and Ethics SCALE (formerly Herbivore Society for Peace and Justice)

Formerly known as McGill Herbivores, McGill Student Club for Animal Liberation and Ethics (SCALE) is a nonhierarchical club concentrating on animal rights issues. The club’s focus is on animal liberation activism, providing a space for vegan students to get involved in activism, as well as support and educational resources for non-vegan students looking to adopt a more ethical lifestyle.


McGill Students Chapter for Amnesty International

McGill Students for Amnesty International is a club that aims to raise awareness on international human rights violence on campus. We host weekly meetings and organize events to promote campaigns by Amnesty International Canada to prevent and end grave abuses of human rights and to demand justice for those whose rights have been violated.


McGill Students Chapter of War Child

Our organization aims to raise awareness and funds for the War Child NGO which provides assistance to children in areas experiencing conflict and the aftermath of conflict. War Child aims to provide aid amid crisis to improve children’s lives.


McGill Students for HanVoice

We are the McGill chapter for HanVoice – Canada’s leading and largest NGO advocating for North Korean human rights and refugees. Our central goals are to raise awareness for the North Korean humanitarian crisis that is often overlooked in mainstream media within the McGill and general Montreal community through our events and media outlets.


McGill Veterans Association

Projet Montréal McGill Students Association

Projet Montréal McGill Students Association seeks to promote and build upon, with the McGill student body, the mission of Projet Montréal as enumerated in section 2 of its statutes: “Projet Montréal offers Montrealers a way of life in the city on a human scale, respectful of its diversity and the identity and richness of each of its boroughs and each and every one of its residents. To do this, it puts forward an innovative urban, social and economic vision, on the lookout for good practices, centred on sustainable development, democracy, solidarity, equity, social justice, sound management and transparency. The Party aims for a better quality of life for all”.

Socialist Fightback Club

Fightback is a revolutionary organization fighting for the socialist transformation of society. We are the Canadian section of the International Marxist Tendency. We actively seek to educate workers and youth in the genuine ideas of Marxism, in order to fight back against capitalist attacks and austerity.

If you agree with our ideas and want to get active in the fight for socialism, please don’t hesitate to get involved!

