In a democratic system, elections allow all citizens to help choose their preferred representative without any distinction. This means that once the ballot has been deposited in the box, the Prime Minister’s vote has the same weight and importance as that of any other voter. In Quebec, certain conditions apply for someone to be added to the electoral roll so as to be able to vote in municipal elections. According to the Election Montreal website, to qualify as an elector and qualify for entry on the list of electors, every person must:
- be 18 or over on November 3, 2013;
and, on September 1st, 2013:
- be a Canadian citizen;
- not be under curatorship;
- not be disqualified under the law
Every person must also meet one of the following conditions:
- have been domiciled on the territory of the City of Montreal and, since at least March 1st, 2013, in Québec;
Or - have been the sole owner of an immovable on the territory of the City of Montreal since at least September 1st, 2012, and have filed a written application for entry with the returning officer;
Or - have been the sole occupant of a business establishment on the City of Montreal since at least September 1st, 2012, and have filed a written application for entry with the returning officer.
During the week of September 23, 2013, you will receive a notice of entry on the list of electors. Read it carefully as it contains the names of electors entered on the list at your address, as well as the location of the board of revisors.