

On Wednesday, October 11, the SSMU will be publishing the Our Turn National Student-Led Strategy to End Campus Sexual Violence

The Our Turn Action Plan can be found here.

We will be hosting a press conference that morning to announce the results of the plan as well as our next steps in implementing the strategy.

The Our Turn National Action Plan lays out a list of programs student unions can implement to prevent sexual violence, support survivors, and advocate for change on their campuses. Each student union that signs on to the plan will begin by striking their own Our Turn task force made up of relevant stakeholders in their university community.

The Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) and Concordia Student Union (CSU) have proudly signed on to the Our Turn National Action Plan, along with 18 other student associations across 8 provinces.

The Press Conference will take place in the University Centre (SSMU Building), Room 203 (Lev Bukhman Rm) at 10:30am.

For the full breakdown of each school’s score, as well as citations, please view the scorecard here. If you have any inquiries about the OurTurn National Action Plan, the development of the scorecard or the final scores please contact the primary author of the action plan and scorecard Caitlin Salvino at salvino.caitlin@gmail.com

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