SafeHome Program 2018-2019

SafeHome Program 2018-2019

What is Safehome initiative?

SafeHome is an accompaniment service offered by WalkSafe and DriveSafe of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU) from December 4th to December 21st (10 pm to 1 am). The service will be available from the McLennan Library to provide a greater sense of security to students while traversing from campus to home. SafeHome is targeted at those who feel vulnerable and/or otherwise unsafe travelling alone during the exam prep and exam period.

DriveSafe and WalkSafe have limited resources but will always try to accommodate your request.

Operational Hours

  • December 4th to December 21st, from 10 pm to 1 am
  • Monday to Friday
  • Please note that we will not be operational on Easter Monday or on weekends.

How does it work?

The Safehome service is only available for McGill students, specifically on McGill campus (downtown location).
Due to limited resources will be operating within the following boundaries:

  • Walksafe: Parc/Pins and Sherbrooke/Stanley (See image)
  • Drivesafe: Jean-Talon/Papineau to autoroute 10/15 and in Verdun from the LaSalle to Stephens/Champlain (See image)
  • Outside the designated area: We can still drop you off at a bus stop, metro, or train station.

Request an accompaniment

McGill campus

If you are anywhere on the downtown campus, you can request an accompaniment with us:

  1. Call us at (514) 398.2498 or (514) 398.8040
  2. Please provide your location, destination, phone number and McGill ID. Please have your McGill card ready or sign into Minerva for validation.
  3. Walksafe volunteers will give you an estimated time and according to your destination.

Note: Depending on proximity, you will be walked by foot to the McLennan Library, for further departs with similar destinations.

Drop-by McLennan Library

If you are in the McLennan and Redpath Library, drop-by at the bridge between the two buildings. (Map)

  1. Please provide your destination and McGill ID. Please have your McGill card ready or sign into Minerva for validation.
  2. Walksafe volunteers will give you an estimated time.

How to identify us?

Walksafe will be tabling and they will be wearing a bright red jacket, properly identified with the Walksafe logo and the phone number.
Drivesafe service will be only accessible through Walksafe.

Security resources

The community has resources and we have listed them here.  We recommend you familiarize yourself with all the resources available for you on and around McGill campus.

McGill Resources

McGill Security Services

If you are concerned about your safety on campus, or you observe something suspicious or concerning reach out the McGill Security Services.
Emergency Phones

Emergency Phones are distributed throughout all McGill campus. These phones can be found inside the entrance of most major McGill buildings and/or inside every elevator. The yellow box phones have a blue light that is lit at night so you can see it easily. Press the red button to speak with the McGill Security Services.
Identify their location in the following map
Night Route maps

Make sure to get familiar with the night route maps to identify the suggested night routes and locations of emergency phones.
McGill App

Install the official McGill App to receive emergency notifications and to access information about the campus maps. The application is available for current, new and prospective McGill students.

Montreal Resources

Montreal Police


  • If you are off-campus and you observe something suspicious contact the Montreal Police. Also, contact them in case of an emergency requiring an ambulance or the fire department.
  • Filing a Montreal police report
STM between stops

STM between stops
Offered only to women travelling alone, this service is provided on all bus lines. Starting at 7:30 p.m. from August 30 to April 30. Tell the driver, one stop ahead of time, where you would like to get off the bus. The driver will open the front door once the bus has safely stopped as close to the desired location as possible.

Active Listening Services

Active Listening Services

In case you need assistance talking with somebody about your experience walking home, here are some other resources to be aware of:

  1. McGill Students’ Nightline is available 6PM to 3AM, and are available to stay on the phone with you as you walk. Contact: 514-398-6246.
  2. The Peer Support Centre is open 11AM-1PM 04/15-18 & 11AM-3PM 04/23-26 for Drop-Ins. They can be found on the second floor of the 3471 Peel building.
  3. SACOMSS has their DIAL Phone and Drop-Ins operating at (514) 398-8500, their hours will be posted at

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