SSMU Press Release Regarding the Resignation of the SSMU General Manager

SSMU Press Release Regarding the Resignation of the SSMU General Manager

To All McGill Students,

Ryan Hughes, General Manager at the SSMU, has presented a formal notice of resignation as of Monday, September 9, 2019. Ryan, who has worked at the SSMU since August 2012, was responsible for the SSMU’s administration, governance, corporate obligations, accounting, human resources, business operations, and legal affairs. 

Following Ryan’s resignation, the SSMU Executive team and the permanent staff will continue to oversee the Society’s operations as usual, but some delays should be expected, especially with regard to requests for information.

A posting for a new General Manager will be up in the coming weeks. In the meantime, the GM’s responsibilities have been divided by the Board of Directors as follows:

  • Human resources, including payroll for student staff and complaints, are to be directed to and Please continue to contact for issues related to gendered and sexual violence. 
  • Financial management is being jointly overseen by the Vice-President (Finance)  and the Director of Operations. For questions about financial processes that are outside of the VP’s mandate, please contact
  • SSMU Daycare operations that the GM was assisting in can be directed to or
  • Questions about the ongoing renovations to the University Centre can be directed to and For space accommodations in particular, please continue to use our Wufoo form.
  • Questions relating to governance documents or internal procedures and regulations can be directed to
  • Questions relating to the menstrual hygiene products project can be directed to
  • For student groups who were in contact with the GM, the first point of contact should be the Building Director, reachable at, or Billy Kawasaki at
  • All student-run processes, such as the Funding Committee, should be able to carry out their requests in accordance with their usual timelines. 

Other inquiries that have been referred to the General Manager can be referred to Bryan Buraga at or Alessandro Sangiovanni at, as appropriate. As always, please contact your Legislative Council representative if you feel something should be brought to the attention of the governing bodies of the Society.

We would like to thank Ryan for his contributions and the significant impact he has made on the SSMU—throughout his tenure he has been a valued member of the SSMU team.

We would also like to remind you of our commitment to upholding our mission of service, representation, and leadership, and encourage you to hold us accountable to these goals. Thank you for your patience and understanding. 


Madeline Wilson / Vice-President (University Affairs) |
Adam Gwiazda-Amsel / Vice-President (External Affairs)|
Sanchi Bhalla / Vice-President (Internal Affairs) |
Sam Haward / Vice-President (Finance) |
Billy Kawasaki  / Vice-President (Student Life) |
Bryan Buraga / President |

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