SSMU Statement Regarding Policy on Sale and Service of Food

SSMU Statement Regarding Policy on Sale and Service of Food

To the McGill Community,

The SSMU understands the importance of food sales and that many student groups rely on these activities to fund their operations. In light of this, the SSMU has developed the SSMU Sale and Service of Food Policy to ensure all SSMU student group events where food is sold follow the regulations of the Ministère de l’Agriculture, des pêcheries et de l’Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ) to protect the health and safety of all students, employees, and campus visitors.

More Details About the Policy
The guide is intended to communicate to all SSMU student groups:

  • the regulations pertaining to safely providing and serving food on campus; and
  • the conditions which may impact existing contractual agreements and permits; and
  • the procedure which must be followed when preparing and handling food for organized events.

SSMU student groups who wish to host bake sales, samosa sales, and other food-related events on campus will need to complete an Application for the Sale and Service of Food on Campus at least fifteen business (15) days prior to the event. There is a $25 administrative and processing fee in order to extend the legally required food permit as well as to provide necessary equipment to conform to the law. Only SSMU student groups that receive authorization from the SSMU Operations Department may sell food on campus at designated locations.

Please note that these procedures only apply to SSMU student groups – if you are part of a student group not affiliated with the SSMU, these regulations do not apply. However, please be aware that a MAPAQ food inspector may enter the area of an event and conduct an inspection of any McGill student group, whether SSMU-affiliated or not, at any given time.

We thank you for your patience and we appreciate the cooperation of our student groups in adhering to the Food Policy guide moving forward. If you have any questions regarding the new procedures in place, please contact the Operations Department at


Bryan Buraga / President |
Madeline Wilson / Vice-President (University Affairs) |
Adam Gwiazda-Amsel / Vice-President (External Affairs) |
Sanchi Bhalla / Vice-President (Internal Affairs) |
Sam Haward / Vice-President (Finance) |
Billy Kawasaki / Vice-President (Student Life) |

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