Statement on the Palestine Solidarity Policy

Statement on the Palestine Solidarity Policy

April 22, 2022

Dear Members of the McGill Community,

On Monday March 21st, the results of the SSMU Winter 2022 Referendum were released. The referendum saw a turnout of 16.5 % of eligible voters, 71.1% of whom voted “Yes” on the Palestine Solidarity Policy.

Following the Referendum results, the SSMU Board of Directors reviewed each referendum question to assess their conformity with the SSMU Governing Documents, and Quebec Law.

The Board of Directors has determined that the Palestine Solidarity Policy is not in conformity with the SSMU Constitution, the SSMU Equity Policy, the 2016 SSMU Judicial Board ruling in Reference re Legality of the BDS Motion and Similar Motions, and Quebec Law.

As per Section 6.1 of the SSMU Constitution, all motions passed by Referendum must be ratified by the Board of Directors prior to being formally adopted by the SSMU. Given that the Palestine Solidarity Policy does not conform with numerous SSMU Governing Documents, the Board of Directors cannot ratify the policy. As such the Palestine Solidarity Policy will not be adopted by the SSMU.

The Board of Directors has not made this decision lightly. The Board deeply values the democratic process and will always make every effort to uphold the will of the electors. However, ultimately the Board must ensure that all motions, policies, and initiatives conform with the SSMU Governing Documents.

The Board of Directors recognizes the hard work and dedication that went into writing the Palestine Solidarity Policy. We understand that the Board’s decision in this matter may come as a disappointment to many students. The Board of Directors invites any SSMU member who wishes to put forth a new policy which maintains the spirit of the Palestine Solidarity Policy, to consult with the SSMU leadership to ensure any future motions are Constitutional.


The SSMU Board of Directors

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