Legislative Council and its Committees

Legislative Council and its Committees


The Legislative Council is the legislative arm of the SSMU. Members of the Legislative Council may make motions and vote on resolutions at the Legislative Council, by the Constitution and the Internal Regulations.

The Council is composed of Thirty (30) councilors elected by specific constituencies, including school and faculty associations and councils representing particular student demographics, and the seven (7) SSMU Executives comprise the voting members of Council. The Speaker, Parliamentarian, General Manager, and Recording Secretary are non-voting members. Elections take place during the Fall semester and their term starts as of June 1st of each year.

Legislative Council

The Legislative Council is a body primarily responsible for the political decision-making body of Society. All decisions are subject to the provisions of the Acts, the Constitution, and the Internal Regulations. In addition, all resolutions passed by the Legislative Council must be ratified by the Board of Directors.

Meeting Dates

Note: The SSMU reserves the right to cancel or call a meeting or event without notice at its discretion. Please check our website/social media for such updates.

All SSMU members are welcome to attend open sessions of Council, which are generally held every second Thursday beginning at 6 pm in person (Lev Bukhman Room on the second floor of the University Centre, 3480 Mc Tavish St, Montreal, Quebec H3A 0E7). If you would like to attend these online sessions as a member of the gallery, please fill out this form.

For 2023-2024, the dates of Council are:

Fall 2024 (in-person)

Thursday, September 19, 2024
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Thursday, October 24, 2024
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Thursday, November 21, 2024
Thursday, December 5, 2024

Winter 2025 (in-person)

Thursday, January 16, 2025
Thursday, January 30, 2025
Thursday, February 13, 2025
Thursday, February 27, 2025
Thursday, March 20, 2025
Thursday, April 3, 2025


How you can participate in the debate:

While Council is run according to Code Véronneau, its proceedings should be accessible to all members; don’t hesitate to ask the Speaker, Parliamentarian or a Councillor (including Executives) how you can participate in the debate. Council meetings can last several hours, so if you are interested in a particular issue, it may be wise to check the agenda in advance and/or ask a Councillor to contact you (e.g. by text message) when the item relevant to your issue is coming up. 

The agenda order can also be amended to accommodate your schedule, so get in touch with a Councillor if this is something you require. You can peruse its agenda and “documents in advance” (reports of Executives and Committees, as well as proposed resolutions and policies) as seen above.

If you require assistance to access these sessions, please email speaker@ssmu.ca

Speaker of Council & Parliamentarian

Speaker of Council acts as the chair of the Council. They are responsible for the smooth procedural functioning of Council meetings which includes the call to order (which opens the meeting), granting the floor (i.e. giving people permission to speak) and stating motions and putting them to a vote. The Speaker is guided in their tasks by Code Véronneau in addition to the Constitution, Internal Regulations and any relevant resolutions of the Council.

The Parliamentarian is also responsible for running Council with the Speaker. While the Speaker controls the floor and grants Councillors speaking rights in an appropriate fashion, the Parliamentarian takes care of the organization, projection and amending of motions and reports during Council.

Committees of Council

SSMU Committees make recommendations to Council on everything from the allocation of funding to student groups to the approval of new clubs to the adoption of new policies. Each Councillor sits on at least one SSMU Committee. The Committee Terms of Reference contains all the information about the various committees at SSMU.

Committee Terms of Reference

The committees of the Legislative Council are listed below:

Committee Description Chair
Accessibility Committee The Accessibility Committee confronts historical and ongoing inaccessibility and ableism on campus through active engagement and public education, in a manner consistent with the Society’s relevant policies. Accessibility Commissioner accessibility@ssmu.ca 
Affordable Student Housing Committee The Affordable Student Housing Committee explores avenues for securing and promoting affordable student housing, as well as advising developers regarding students’ priorities in housing, as well as advising developers regarding students’ priorities in housing arrangements, and design. Community Affairs Commissioner
Black Affairs Committee The Black Affairs Committee will confronts historical and ongoing inequities at the University through institutional advocacy on governance and policy, and active engagement and public education, in a manner consistent with the Society’s relevant policies. Black Affairs Commissioner blackaffairs@ssmu.ca
Clubs Committee The primary responsibility of the Clubs Committee is to  review and approval of Interim Club Status applications, Full Club Status applications, and Club constitutional amendments in accordance with the Internal Regulations of Student Groups. Club Administrative Coordinator clubadmin@ssmu.ca
Community Engagement Committee The Community Engagement Committee shall be responsible for leveraging SSMU’s links with local community organizations to plan event series and connect McGill students when possible. Community Engagement Commissioner commengagement@ssmu.ca
Environment Committee The Environment Committee serves as a representative body for all environmental groups at the University, whether or not they are directly affiliated with the Society. Sustainability Commissioners sustainability@ssmu.ca
Equity Committee The Equity Committee confronts historical and ongoing inequities at the University through active engagement and public education, in a manner consistent with the Society’s relevant policies. Equity Commissioners
Comité des affaires francophones Le Comité des affaires francophones servira de milieu d’échange pour réunir les membres représentants de tous les groupes et associations francophones destinés à la communauté étudiante de premier cycle. Il favorisera une meilleure communication et une collaboration plus étroite entre ces groupes afin d’harmoniser leur travail et d’éviter qu’il y ait redondance. Le comité sera également un défenseur des droits francophones et contribuera à la création d’un sentiment de communauté parmi le corps étudiant francophone. Commissaire aux affaires francophones
Funding Committee The Funding Committee shall be responsible for the disbursement of SSMU-collected fees and the SSMU Award of Distinction Fund, updated on a yearly basis. Funding Commissioner  fundcom@ssmu.ca
Gender and Sexuality Advocacy Committee The Gender and Sexuality Advocacy Committee  confronts historical and ongoing inequities at the University through institutional advocacy in governance and policy, and active engagement and public education, in a manner consistent with the Society’s relevant policies. Gender and Sexuality Commissioner
Indigenous Affairs Committee The Indigenous Affairs Committee is  primarily responsible for increasing visibility and advocating for increased representation and services for Indigenous Students. This Committee will create a safe environment for Indigenous students to voice their ideas and concerns about both the Society and the University. Indigenous Affairs Commissioner
Library Improvement Fund Committee The Library Improvement Fund Committee is  responsible for the allocation of the Library Improvement Fund. It shall operate and be governed by the Internal Regulations of Representation and Advocacy. Library Improvement Fund Commissioner
Mental Health Committee The Mental Health Committee serves as a representative body for all mental health advocacy, events, and policy that are affiliated with the Society. Mental Health Commissioner(s): mentalhealth@ssmu.ca
Services Committee The Services Committee serves as a consultative body for the improvement of Policies related to the Society’s Services. In addition, the Services Committee shall serve as a forum for the Society’s Services to discuss ongoing projects and collaborate with each other. Services Representative servicesrep@ssmu.ca
Services Review Committee The Services Review Committee reviews every Service once every school year to ensure that they meet the definition and mandatory characteristics of a Service as set out in the Internal Regulations of Student Groups and to ensure that they continue to meet the needs of Students. Vice-President (Student Life) studentlife@ssmu.ca
Steering Committee The Steering Committee is responsible for all matters relating to the operation and management of business at the Legislative Council. Speaker
Students’ Society Programming Network (SSPN) The Students’ Society Programming Network (SSPN) serves as the principal advisory committee for the Vice-President (Internal Affairs) on the organization and execution of all Society events. Vice-President (Internal Affairs)


Thirty (30) councilors elected by specific constituencies, including school and faculty associations and councils representing particular student demographics, and the seven (7) SSMU Executives comprise the voting members of Council. The Speaker, Parliamentarian, General Manager, and Recording Secretary are non-voting members. 


The voting members of SSMU’s Legislative Council comprise thirty councillors elected by specific constituencies, including school and faculty associations and councils representing particular student demographics and the 6 SSMU Executives. The Speakers, Parliamentarian, General Manager, and Recording Secretary are non-voting members.

Councillors’ primary responsibility is to represent the interests of their constituencies in SSMU governance. Don’t hesitate to get in touch with your representatives!

Constituency Name Email Address
Arts Councillor Emma Chen artsrep1@ssmu.ca
Arts Councillor Rishi Kalaga artsrep2@ssmu.ca
Arts Councillor Ben Weissman artsrep3@ssmu.ca
Arts Councillor Logan Hamele artsrep4@ssmu.ca
Arts and Science Councillor  


Athletics Councillor Melanie Renaud athleticsrep@ssmu.ca
Campus Outaouais Councillor TBD outaouaisrep@ssmu.ca
Clubs Councillor TBD clubsrep1@ssmu.ca
Clubs Councillor TBD clubsrep2@ssmu.ca
Dentistry Councillor Brian Kim dentistryrep@ssmu.ca
Education Councillor TBD edrep@ssmu.ca
Environment Councillor TBD envirorep@ssmu.ca
Engineering Councillor Rylee McKay engrep1@ssmu.ca
Engineering Councillor Nicholas El Murr engrep2@ssmu.ca
First Year Councillor (FYC) TBD fycrep@ssmu.ca
Inter-Residence Councillor (IRC) TBD ircrep@ssmu.ca
Law Councillor Julien Bérubé lawrep@ssmu.ca
Management Councillor Allan Nounke managementrep1@ssmu.ca
Management Councillor Yanxin Li managementrep2@ssmu.ca
Medicine Councillor Allison Engo medicinerep@ssmu.ca
Music Councillor Seraphina Crema Black musicrep@ssmu.ca
Nursing Councillor Morgane Pinard-Milette nursingrep@ssmu.ca
PT/OT Councillor TBD ptotrep@ssmu.ca
Science Councillor Hannah Kohler sciencerep1@ssmu.ca
Science Councillor Eric Zhao sciencerep2@ssmu.ca
Science Councillor Ishtia Kumar sciencerep3@ssmu.ca
Senate Caucus Councillor TBD senatecaucusrep1@ssmu.ca
Senate Caucus Councillor TBD senatecaucusrep2@ssmu.ca
Services Councillor TBD servicesrep@ssmu.ca
Social Work Councillor TBD socialworkrep@ssmu.ca
President Dymetri Taylor president@ssmu.ca 
VP (Internal Affairs) Zeena Zahidah internal@ssmu.ca
VP (Student Life) Chloé Muñoz studentlife@ssmu.ca
VP (Finance) Pauline Jolicoeur finance@ssmu.ca
VP (External Affairs) Hugo-Victor Solomon external@ssmu.ca
VP (University Affairs) Abe Berglas ua@ssmu.ca
VP (Operations and Sustainability) Meg Baltes operations@ssmu.ca


Non-Voting Members of Council
Position Name Email Address
Speaker Jonathan Dong speaker@ssmu.ca
Deputy Speaker / Recording Secretary Sierra Fallis deputyspeaker@ssmu.ca
Parliamentarian Jessica Bakar parliamentarian@ssmu.ca
Recording Secretary Sierra Fallis recsec@ssmu.ca
General Manager Maya Marcus-Sells mmarcussells@ssmu.ca