SSMU Open Letter Regarding McGill’s Fall 2021 Plans and Accommodations

SSMU Open Letter Regarding McGill’s Fall 2021 Plans and Accommodations

SSMU Open Letter Regarding McGilll’s Fall 2021 Plans and Accommodations


Please note this is an open letter and groups or individuals interested in signing may do so using links at the end of the letter. 


To Professors Buddle and Labeau, Principal Fortier, the Emergency Operations Centre (EOC), and the McGill administration,

As the start of the Fall 2021 semester approaches, McGill students have not been provided with the necessary information or tools required for a safe and successful semester. While some are eagerly awaiting the return to in-person courses, SSMU also hears often from students who have concerns that McGill’s current plans for Fall 2021 will not be safe for them or for the community at large. While Quebec has made progress over the past year and a half in the fight against COVID-19, concerns persist for McGill community members and for the rest of the city of Montreal. The topic on nearly every student’s mind for the Fall 2021 semester is the continuing COVID-19 pandemic and how McGill will provide a safe and accessible learning experience.

“Dr. Donald Vinh, an infectious diseases specialist at the McGill University Health Centre, says the current trends are concerning as they show “there is still ongoing community transmission.”

Vinh said the concern lies in the future, as schools and university classes resume in late August and September. “If it’s already increased when we are in the ‘safe’ outdoors,” he said, “what’s going to happen when we’re in the indoors?” 

Given the circumstances of the current COVID-19 situation as of August 2021, the Students’ Society of McGill University calls upon McGill University to implement the following:

  1. Mandating the wearing of masks in classrooms, labs, libraries, and any other indoor on-campus environments for the beginning of the Fall 2021 semester.
    1. Consulting students and staff prior to lifting a masking requirement and providing sufficient notice prior to changing such a policy.
  2. Publicizing clear guidelines for accommodations available to students, staff, and instructors and how they can be obtained.
  3. Providing both short and long-term accommodations for students, staff, and instructors who are immunocompromised, vulnerable to COVID, or otherwise unable to be in classroom environments for the coming semester.
  4. Providing mandatory lecture recordings and remote learning materials for the Fall 2021 semester.
  5. Prohibiting mandatory in-person attendance for the Fall 2021 semester. 
  6. Inviting student representation in meetings where COVID-19 policies at the University are being decided.
  7. Communicating  frequently with students using the MRO system when University policy concerning COVID changes, and when relevant federal or provincial information pertaining to COVID-19 is released, including information about vaccine passports.
    1. Implementing  and announcing relevant policies concerning vaccine passports in line with provincial regulations within a reasonable amount of time.

In the coming weeks, thousands of students will arrive in Montreal to begin their first year at McGill. Many will be partaking in Frosh events, where they will come in contact with dozens of new people. Such activities may lead to outbreaks, especially given the significant number of students in McGill residences who contracted COVID-19 during the 2020-2021 academic year. While McGill does not have a role in planning Frosh and other events, the university has a responsibility to acknowledge that the events are happening and will be attended by many first-year students. With McGill’s planned return to in-person instruction, any infections in residence have the potential to spread much more rapidly among students in classroom environments where students from different years share a learning environment.

Although many Canadians have chosen to get vaccinated, cases in Montreal are rising, along with the test positivity rate. The Delta variant is more contagious than previous variants, and outbreaks have occurred even in areas with high vaccination rates. In neighboring regions with significant vaccination rates, many have opted to return to masking indoors and encouraged social distancing. While vaccines remain highly effective against the Delta variant in protecting fully vaccinated individuals from severe illness or death, leading public health experts have urged an abundance of caution. Experts such as Theresa Tam believe Canada to be on “the start of a Delta-driven fourth wave.”

In terms of vaccine access, Canada is one of the most privileged countries in the world. While Canadians have had access to vaccines for several months, many of McGill’s approximately 10,000 international students come from countries where vaccine access is much more limited than in Canada. While vaccines are available to any student in Canada when they arrive, many international students arriving in Canada in the coming weeks will not be fully vaccinated prior to the Fall 2021 semester. As such, these students remain vulnerable in large environments such as classrooms and residences. Even if international students choose to get vaccinated as soon as they possibly can upon arrival in Canada, unvaccinated students and their close contacts remain vulnerable until two weeks after the second dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. 

Further, SSMU has received reports from students who are experiencing delays to arriving in Canada, due to constraints such as visas in countries where COVID infections are surging. Situations related to COVID in other countries remain a barrier to international students arriving on campus in a timely manner. McGill University has stated that it expects all students to be on campus for the beginning of the semester, though unfortunately, this is not possible for all students. Many students have also shared that they will still be in mandatory quarantine at the start of the Fall semester, and have expressed concerns that their education will suffer because of a lack of streamlined accommodations. SSMU urges McGill University to recognize the significant burden faced by many international students and implores the University to quickly ensure students are accommodated if they face delays arriving in Canada or as the result of quarantine.

As an institution, McGill University has a responsibility to our neighboring communities. Many students live in the nearby Milton-Parc neighborhood, where many neighbors are vulnerable, elderly community members. Unfortunately, at this time last year, cases spread rapidly in Milton-Parc, especially among students. Although McGill University cannot control the behavior of students in off-campus environments, the University must acknowledge the drastic rate of infections that occurred last year despite remote learning and take concrete actions to prevent a similar situation again. Given the potential for increased community transmission resulting from on-campus activities, we implore McGill to proceed with caution and provide a safe environment for its students and for our neighbors.

Many students choose to attend McGill University because the university is a world leader, both in education and in other respects. By choosing to implement additional safety measures beyond the minimum required by the province, McGill University would join other Canadian universities such as the University of Toronto, the University of Waterloo, Bishop’s University, and many more. We understand provincial regulations are changing rapidly and that McGill is bound by many constraints imposed by the province. However, McGill largely has the ability to implement strong safety measures (such as masking and remote learning accommodations) even if Quebec does not require them.

For the past year and a half, individuals (especially young people) have been urged to make the right choices for public health, whether that be self-isolating, wearing a mask, or getting vaccinated. While individual responsibility is essential in the fight against COVID-19, powerful institutions such as McGill have a responsibility to make the right choices as well. At a school with nearly 40,000 students, McGill’s influence on the health of the greater Montreal community is immeasurably large. By choosing policies to protect our own community members, McGill can make the choice to protect the greater Montreal area as well. Students need to be given the tools and resources from the University that allow them to keep themselves and the rest of the community safe. Simply put, an in-person education cannot be valued above public health and safety, especially when we have the tools to provide remote alternatives to those who need them. McGill University has both the ability and the responsibility to protect our community, and as we have seen over the last year, the stakes are a matter of life and death.


The Students’ Society of McGill University


To sign onto this letter as an individual, fill out this form.

To sign onto this letter as a group organization, fill out this form.


McGill Black Law Students Association

Meals for Milton Parc

McGill Farmers Market

McGill Students Emergency Response Team



McGill International Student Network (MISN)

Law Students’ Association

Bangladeshi Student Association (BSA) McGill



Claire Downie – Vice-President (University Affairs)

Darshan Daryanani – President

Sacha Delouvrier – Vice-President (External Affairs)

Karla Heisele Cubilla – Vice-President (Student Life)

Sarah Paulin – Vice-President (Internal)

Éric Sader – Vice-President (Finance)

Alex Karasick – SSMU Director

Beatrice Mackie – SSMU Director

Arshiyan Ahsan – Management Senator

Fanta Ly – Co-President, McGill Black Law Students’ Association

John Vincent Vitulli – CLASHSA President

Jane Weber – VP Academic, McGill Environment Students’ Society

Anjali Mehindiratta – VP Academic, Political Science Students’ Association

Sara Naqvi – Communications rep of Sociology Students’ Association

Charlotte Sullivan – VP Academic, McGill Law Students’ Association

Meghan MacLaren – BUGS VP Comms

Alex Griffin – Treasurer, TUSA

Sheanna Wirasinghe – MUSA VP Finance

Ruoyan Zhang – MUPSS VP Finance

Madison Schater – President of AESUS

Jessica Staicu –  BUGS VP External

Fredric Vinal – SAPEK U3 Kinesiology Grad Representative

Rose Paquet –   VP Clubs pour l’AÉD/LSA

Victoria Principe – MBLA CO-PRESIDENT

Yuvika Dandiwal – MPSA Co-President

Saadwi Balaji – VP Design at MISN

Minalou Kunze–Roelens – MUS (Management Undergraduate Society)

Ryan Schmedding – AGSEM Representative – Council of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences

Bryan Buraga – 2019-2020 SSMU President

Sam Haward – 2019-2020 SSMU VP Finance

Brooklyn Frizzle – 2020-2021 SSMU VP University Affairs

Madeline Wilson – 2019-2020 SSMU VP University Affairs

Maheen Akter – 2020-2021 SSMU Vice President (Student Life)

Lauren Hill – Speaker of Legislative Council and Board of Directors, University Affairs Secretary General, SSMU

Tasmin Chu – Features Editor at The McGill Tribune

Samuel Helgaro – Organizer with McGill Corporate Accountability Project, Protesters Legal Information Clinic, Divest McGill, and the Milton Parc Citizens’ Committee

Organizer with McGill Corporate Accountability Project, Protesters Legal Information Clinic, Divest McGill, and the Milton Parc Citizens’ Committee

Hunaifa Malik – Co-President of McGill International Student Network (MISN)

Mahnoor Syed – President, McGill South Asian Collective

Kyle Tsang Arts U3
Jeanne Lalonger-Laurent Arts U4
Josh Cross Education U3
Z.S science U3
Marie-Noelle Carrier Management U3
Gabriela Art U2
Jenifer Chandra Education U2
Naya Arts U3
Denis R Science U4
Zahra Hussain Arts U3
Paolo Fiorilli Engineering U3
Peipei Yao Faculty of Science U2
Lance Nataros Desautels U1
Sarah Ghezelbash Science U3
Tannia Sultana Management
Victoria Kwei Faculty of Arts U2
Natalie Schwarz Education U2
Red Singer Engineering U1
Tonushri Das Civil Engineering U4
Emily Black Arts U3
Joon Lee science U3
Danielle Vinson Arts and Sciences U1
Nicole Templeton Mangement U3
Rawan Sakalla Science U3
Mustakim Umar Science U2
Kaitlyn Katz Arts U4
Thomas Dobronyi Arts U3
Arshiyan Ahsan Management U3
Jiaze Ben Engineering U4
Maude Robitaille Science U3
Brenda Lynn Koborsy Science U3
Iza Ticala Science U1
Iza Ticala science U1
Majd Antaki Engineering U4
Jane Weber Arts U2
Heide Leger Gallegos Arts U3
Stephanie Bernal Arts U4
Sofia O’Reilly Arts U1
Arsha Misra Desautels U1
Gabriela Bonkova Arts U2
Isabel Baltzan Law 2L
Émilie Bortolussi-Courval Experimental medicine PhD0
Jason Spiegler School of Social work U3
Elise Most Desautels U2
Julia Tourbina Science U2
Catherine Rueda Management U3
Amelia Duguay Mechanical Engineering U3
Fahima Khan Scienxe U2
Olivia Whetstone Arts U2
Dylan Yan Law 2L
Elinor Montgomery Arts U3
Samara Al-Dada Law and Social Work U2
Noreen El Hosini Engineering U3
Shaswata Bhattacharyya Engineering U3
Karine Talbot Arts U3
Konstantinos Tsiolis Science U3
Lucia Stroetzel Arts U4
Sophia O’Brien-Doerksen Arts U2
Pierina Gonzalez Arts U3
Janelle Stark Arts U1
Gabriel Forest Science U3
Arsh Prakash Arts U3
Alex Karasick U3
Zaynab Mortada Arts U4
Sara McCafferty Engineering U3
Annabel Zhu Faculty of Science U2
Olivia Dakkak Arts, social work U3
Srishti Khanna Arts U3
Isabelle Leconche Arts U3
Anjali Mehindiratta Arts U2
Talia Ecityan Law U2
Victoria St-Onge Management U2
Kaya Adleman Arts U3
Shalee Walsh Arts U3
Aleksandrs Renerts Arts U3
Zhongfeng Luo Desautels Master
Arnaud Hureau Science U3
Vanja Lugonjic Arts U3
Elis Nascimento Lima Art U2
Cal Da Silva Arts U1
Ben Brown Law U1
Jo Roy Social Work U3
Okyanus Gumus Faculty of Engineering U1
Chanel Perreault BA&Sc U3
Shir Gruber Science U3
Moyang Chen Science U4
Hannah Kirk-Aubut Arts U3
Louis Mounier Engineering U2
Taya Leforte Arts U4
Benjamin Ouaknine Desautels U2
Elise Higgins arts U1
Victoria Oestreich Management U3
Sean Kim Arts U2
Isabelle Baptiste Law U3
Victoria Puga School of Continuing Studies
Class of 2021 McGill BA graduate, returning in year 1 of graduate diploma
Alexandra Koromilas Arts U3
Kather Shiff Arts U1
Chaya Tabac Desautels Faculty of Management U1
Eva Koall Business (Desautels) U3
Huiting Zhang Arts U3
Cal Pease Sciences U3
Theodora Leustean Law U3
Willa Holt Arts U3
Dane Malenfant Arts U3
Félix-Antoine Pelletier Law
Namdar Kabolinejad Science U2
John Vincent Vitulli Arts U3
Jonas Vinson arts U2
Edan tapp Social work U3
Claude poulin Social work U3
Juan Diego Uribe Carrillo Sciences U2
Teresa Adorante Education U3
Deepk Singh Sahota Desautels U3
Krishna Patel Physical and Occupational Therapy U2
Danielle Oltman Arts U3
Dragos Cristian Manta Science U5
Alexandra Alac Science U1
Angela Zhao Science U3
Aryan Marwaha Arts U3
Navjot Singh Faculty of Science U1
Juan Diego Uribe Carrillo Sciences U2
Iris Yang Desautels Faculty of Management U4
Jessie Tang Engineering U4
Iris Yang Desautels Faculty of Management U1
Gloria wang Engineering U2
Beatrice Mackie Law U4
Corinne Matthews Education U3
Christina Sainvilus U3
Molly Westrup Arts U3
Yinqi Li Science U2
Ben kannel IPN Graduate
Linda Tang Science U2
Neelima Rajesh Arts U4
Duncan Graham Science U3
Annie Tran Education U1
Joshua Werber Law U2
Mei Yang Arts U4
Virgile Talma
Lucy Anderson Engineering U2
Simon Dufour Arts U2
Syndy Shi Commerce U3
Natalie Hardin Science U2
Alexei Bardine Arts U2
Ricardo Alvarez Desautels U3
Jesse Smith Arts U1
Jenny Zheng Science U3
Gagandeep Singh Law U4
Samantha Jafar Arts U3
Annie Pollender Arts U4
Stefan Suvajac Arts – Economics U3
Sofia Woo Arts U3
Kaylee Hunter Arts U5
Ze Yuan Fu Engineering U2
Claire Wells Engineering U2
Bingyi Wu Arts and Science U3
Angela Kim Arts U3
Natalie Pennisi Arts U2
Julian Robinson Arts U2
Jackson Mundie Arts U2
Adrien Garneau Eng. U2
Cathy Jing Education U4
Pierre Talbot Engineering U3
Sylvain Bazinet Arts U3
Darien Muse-Charbonneau Engineering U4
Mary Campos Arts U3
Anne Kwon Arts U2
Hannah Wallace Education U3
Sierra aggett Social work U3
Victoria Puusa Arts U5
Krista Mahler Arts U3
Nicholas Rousseau Engineering U4
Jaylynn Elaine Barth Arts U2
Katie Hillemeyer Faculty of Arts U0
Giulia Riondino Arts U3
Sharon Shen Faculty of Science U2
Abygail Gill Arts U2
Cat Carkner Arts U2
Iva Stoyanova Arts U3
Emily Daniaux science U1
Zachary Gonzalez Arts U2
Shayla Tran Science
Joey Ahmadi Arts & Sciences Alumni
Melanie Dormann Science U2
Liana Starnino Music U4
Zhe Xie Agro-Environmental Sciences M.Sc
Abigail Arts U3
Francesca Battelli Science U3
Nevin Altan Faculty of Arts U1
Sandrine Bédard Arts and Science Graduate student
Rachel Flanagan Arts U2
Eleanor P MacDonald Arts U2
Eren Gurhan engineering U1
Anthony Atie Engineering U3
Emma Bradshaw Arts U3
Zehai Wen Honours Mathematics U1
Sacha Esmail Engineering U4
Yadan Yang Arts U5
Reana Yan Desautels U1
Arts U3
Leeann Dar Arts and Science U3
Ian Grenville Arts U2
Ezra-Jean Taylor Arts U3
Molly Feffer Science U3
Amaris Huang Science U2
Ran Tao Arts U3
Camille Sugère Science U3
Sarah Longford Arts U3
Kira Noël Science U3
Phuong Nguyen Arts U3
Maya Garfinkel Arts U3
M-Kathleen Gaudio Arts, Psychology U2
Yuhan Liu Arts and Science U1
Lewis Mackay Science, Physics U3
Amelie Jacobs Science U3
Nina Kato arts U1
Ethan Pirso Science U3
Sophia Gegia Arts U3
Zaheen Sinha Arts U3
wei liu Arts U3
Ha Dong Arts, Graduate Studies Graduate student
Shreya Anand Arts U0
Sarah-Lena Grogg Arts U3
Rahul Barua Engineering U3
Constantin Buruiana Science U2
Kim-Lan Dam Law U4
Inez Wirawan Arts U3
Wandrille Bonniol Science U2
Keating Reid Arts
Ezelbahar Metin Faculty of Arts U4
Luc Baier-Reinio Science U2
Amy Gray science U1
Emma Arts U3
Lydia Brindley Faculty of Arts U3
Anuttara Devassy Science U3
Cheng Chen Engineering U3
Karl Koerich Engineering U4
Emma Thomas Arts U3
Olivia St-Laurent Science U3
Danai Avrantini Arts U2
Gabrielle Otis Arts U4
Duaa Memon Arts U2
Engineering U2
Ekaterina Ryjkova Faculty of Science U3
Bryan Buraga Arts & Science U4
Said Ashkar Science U3
Julia Rochford School of Social Work U2
Josephine Campbell Arts U3
David Garred Arts U1
Rachel Jaworski Arts U2
Sophie Krajewski Arts U2
Marlee Walker Agricultural and Environmental Sciences U0
Ivy Salloum Arts U3
Sarah Haddad Management U3
Mathilde Darrieus Arts U3
Youzheng Xuan Science U5
Feiyang Li Science U3
Julia Kuczynski Law 2L
Sara Naqvi Arts U3
Cameron Litowski Science U1
Sandra Gauthier Engineering U2
Lekima Yakuden Science U1
Richard Davis Music U2
Paula Ward-Renomeron Arts U4
Di Ah Lim engineering U1
Ariane Desmarais Arts U3
Maggie-Rose Johnston Science U3
Marysa Maruca Arts U3
Sabrina Ead Engineering U2
Marlene Liang Science U3
Maddy Kiesekamp Management U3
Natalie Olivares Arts Alumni
Phillip Ramdas Science U3
Elaine Lau Science U3
Katie Simzer Science U4
Erica Cianfarano Science U3
Boris Videneev Engineering U1
Colleen Song Science U3
Olivia Anderson Arts and Science U2
Elizabeth-Ann Legere Medicine PhD3
Lewis Mackay Physics U3
Tasmin Chu Arts U2
Yanlin Zeng Management U2
Benjaminh Stokely Arts U1
Arturo Del Castillo Mechanical Engineering Masters
Selina Zhao Science U1
Aryana Azodi Arts U1
Jung Min Kim Arts U3
Ana Lungu Arts U3
Amanda Romeo Arts U3
stephany dumas arts U3
Amina Tasleem Arts U2
Jingge Li Faculty of Science U0
Brandon Fook Chong Faculty of Science U2
Brigit Kaila Agricultural and Environmental Sciences U3
Trisha-mae Capistrano Arts U1
Livia Tomasic Arts U3
Navin kumar Arts U3
Julia Saveliev Commerce U0
Hamza Farooq Arts U3
Nicole Liu Arts U0
Tianchi Wang Arts U2
Eden Granovsky Management U2
Nafiz Faiyaz Faculty of Engineering U3
Jessica Li Engineering U2
Brenda Siriwah Faculty of Arts U2
Margaux Navette Arts Alumni
Inayat Irfan Science U2
Yanxiang Li Arts U3
Cindy He Arts U3
Daphné Lisak Engineering U3
Anna Collett Arts U3
Audrey Woo Science M1
Huzbah Jagirdar Arts U3
Mohammed Odusanya Faculty of Law 2L
Kelly Brown Medicine
Administrative and Student Affairs Coordinator
Alexis Zhou Arts U3
Nancy Kaul Science U2
Jessica Jia Qi Zhang Arts U1
Matan Alkoby Management U2
Sofianne Gabrielli Medicine U1
Jasper Kranias Science U2
Paige Wang Arts U3
Chen, Qi Rong Arts U2
Saad Shahbaz Arts U3
Hiba Turqui Science U3
Yuning Wang Science U3
Abhinav Engineering U5
Gabrielle Rodschat Arts U2
Aristides Milios Computer Science M0
Lauren Paonessa Science U3
Morgan Masseau Social work U2
Loi Duong Arts U3
Keemuel Ambalada Arts U2
Victor Cozea Chemistry U2
Sarah Brougham Arts U3
Naomi Burns Law U4
Manou Davies Science U3
Sereena Bhanji Science U1
Maryn Askew Science U1
Saif Asmi Engineering U4
Lucas Hamilton-Bourezg Engineering U4
Arman Darabian Science U3
Sidra Manzoor Arts U4
Arielle Lok Management U2
Wisaal Jahangir Law U1
Kyle Minnie Education U3
Fanta Ly Law U4
Eve Cable Arts U4
Matthias Arabian ECSE U3
Ohrie Hasegawa Arts and Science U1
Asmaa El Homsi science U1
Meghan MacLaren Science U4
Education U2
Julia Zimmer Arts and Science U3
Jimmy Sheng Engineering U2
Joyce Yu U3
Sonia Hajo Faculty of Law U1
Ella Jackson-Cappuccino Arts U2
Hanaya Merlet Arts and Science U3
Eden Ohayon Arts U4
Kevin Yu Science U1
Sophie Hart Arts U4
Audrey Jameson Science U3
Alex Lee Science U1
Rachel Wisnia Desautels Faculty of Management U3
Joshua Walker Engineering U3
Maya Nee Arts U3
Nicholas Bendzsa Music Special year
Mingwei Wu Arts U4
Ruoyu Liu science U3
Azizul Islam Bachelor of Arts U3
Mingze Xu U3
Chloe Montpetit Arts U3
Sophiya Potey Science U3
Marilyn Raymond Arts U2
Erica Liu Arts U2
Sneha Nair Arts U3
Yixuan Ji Arts U3
Joely Greenbaum Arts U4
Camille Valentin Medicine and Heath Sciences Msc student
christelle sasseville Arts U3
Xiaofan Chen Faculty of Management U1
Xiangyu Huo Desautels Faculty of Management U1
Cara Freger Arts U3
Charlotte Sullivan Law U2
Xinchen Hou Science U3
Yuan Gong arts U3
taylor morganstein nursing Masters 1
Amélia Souffrant Faculty of Law U3
Chahana Baansal Arts
Yueqi Lyu Desautels Faculty of Management U3
Nada khalil Arts U3
Nada Zahrai Arts U3
Bianca Thibaudeau Arts U3
Houlin Song Management U3
Isabelle Dummer Engineering U3
A Li U3
Chirag Sood Arts U4
Simla Ayduran Arts U3
Sarah Alevy Science Graduated
yichuan zhao engineering U3
Alexandra Mota Arts U4
Ziqian Liu Arts U2
Ella Wischnewsky Arts U3
Ren Kennedy Arts U2
Michelle Yang Arts U3
Pingsheng Li Science U2
Sabrina Chan Engineering
Nora Gu Faculty of Engineering U3
Thalie Emond Arts U3
Abigail Popple Arts U3
Killian Abellon Arts & Science U3
Jayson Raquino Arts U4
Kevin Fan Arts & Science U2
Mahdi Bedrouni Education U2
Edward Acs-Lessard Arts U3
Claudia Keurdjekian Arts U4
Arushi Katyal Arts U3
Frederique Emond Arts U4
Janeth Vasquez Art U0
muzi Li arts U3
Serena Kim Engineering U1
Aditi Singhal Arts U2
Béatrice Langevin Arts U4
Michelle Ernest-Cohen Arts U2
Adam Glay Arts U2
Miruna Schonberger Science U2
Dong Eun Kim Science U4
Ariana Rezaei Arts U3
Gabriel Masi Education U3
Sajneet Mangat Arts U3
Mathieu Boisvert Science U3
Marie-Jeanne Bourbonnais Arts U3
Hannah Sophia Blauer Arts U3
Stephanie Noel Arts U2
Ria Stevens Arts U3
Erin McNeill Arts U5
Bérénice Guglielmi Art U2
Synthia Laguerre-Hemelaar Arts U3
Daria Lisus Arts and Science U3
Julien Turk Science U3
Zion Chu Arts
Polly Aretakis Music U2
Younggue Kim ECSE U4
Josie Wang Graduate student
Alex Griffin Theology U4
Kayleigh Christensen Arts & Science U2
Kenz Zaghib Engineering U4
Lucas Nam Giercke Education U1
Sabina Boudames Faculty of Science U1
Leena Mirjan Arts U2
Katrine Mongin Arts U1
Rojina Monzavi Desautels U4
Jim Mejino Arts U5
Calvin Newn Arts U5
Xenia Beltei Science U2
Jérémie Marcoux Engineering U2
PETIT Science U3
Melina Thibault Science Masters
Yujia Xu Engineering U3
Linh Kim Arts U3
Xinyuan He Desautels Management U1
Fahriba Mahtab B. Eng U3
Naomi Wang Faculty of Arts U3
Ilan Cheraki Management U4
wenyi zhang Arts U3
Mengfei Wu Arts U3
Mengwei Wang arts U3
Michelle Gu Arts U3
Junji Duan Science U1
Sam Zhuang Science U3
Keyu Yao Arts U2
XinYuan Chen Desautels U3
Tiffany Fan Management U2
John Bei Science U3
Mengshihang Du Arts U3
Yancong Zhang Management U3
Yunxi Lyu Arts U3
Owen Lin Education U3
Ziyan Li Bcom U1
Han Wei Arts U3
Charles Lou Bcom U2
Shikun Liu Education U3
Yunjia ZHENG Science U2
Chloe Science U3
William Pires Science U4
Yisi Li Faculty of arts and science U2
Hang Dong Arts U3
Vincent Zhang Science U4
Meilin Lyu Arts U2
April He Arts U3
Yujia Yang Science U3
Ma JiaYi Management U3
Wei Qin Faculty of Arts U1
Wenxi Wen Desautel U3
Vighnesh Avadhanam Arts U3
Usama Barlas Engineering U3
Kendall Wei Arts and Science U1
Yuanqing(Kendall) Wei Arts and Science U1
Osman Faruqi Science U2
Qinyu Fang Management U2
Enkhuun Byambadorj Arts U3
Muyu Zhao Management U2
Calista Battista Arts U3
Tianyu Zhao Engineering U3
Hazel ayse Saglam Bachelor of science U3
Shanggeng Chen Management U2
Henry Olsen Arts U1
Angadh Verma Arts U0
Leichuyi Guo Arts U2
Yichengliao Arts U4
Shuyue Guo science U1
Wenshu Yan Science U2
Lily Arts U3
Linlong Wu Management U4
Reiko Kobayashi Arts U4
Yiyang Wang Arts U3
JING ZENG Science U3
Sam Stourton Arts U3
JINGNA LIU Management U2
yanxinliu arts U2
Alice Pessoa de Barros Arts U4
Mingyang Ma science U3
Yujia Luo Management U2
Tianrui Xu anatomy and cellbio U2
Ziyu Qi U1
Leyi Chen Arts U2
Qing Gao Arts U2
Hongtao Xu Engineering U4
Yutian Fu Engineering U4
yixiao wu Science U3
Lauren Li Management U2
Selina Wu Science U3
Lucas Lin Engineering U3
Wencan Sun Bronfman U3
Jinchen Li Management U2
Karist Ng Engineering U3
EASON engineering U0
Wenqing Li Arts U3
Yiqin Yang Faculty of science U1
Zeying Tian Engineering U2
Hengyue Xu Arts U3
Nancy Sun Sci U3
Sheanna Wirasinghe Schulich School of Music U3
Yunfei Liu Materials Engineering U3
Desautels faculty of management U3
Ruofan Niu Mechanical engineering U2
Aoyun Li Mechanical engineering U2
xin G faculty of arts U3
Yanran Liu Faculty of Agricultural & Environmental Sciences U0
Janet Wang Science U4
Yuanjie Peng Arts U2
Zhizhi Wei Arts U2
Lingxiang Yuan Management U3
Yiran Ma Education U0
Yao an Tsai Science U4
Zhiyuan Shen Arts&Science U3
Sirui Shan Faculty of agricultural and environmental sciences U5
Giselle Webber Arts U3
zhangyihua Agricultural and environmental science U1
Chirag Sood Arts U4
Yitong Hou Faculty of Management U3
Zhenlong Lin Management U2
Louis Waymel Arts U4
rongnian ren faculty of arts U1
Tian Xu Management U1
Tianyu Cao Science U2
Yanlin Hu Science U2
Tian Cui Science U4
Jessica Jiang Arts U1
Jingwen He Desautel U2
Hongyu Shi Agriculture science U1
Teerthraj Patel Arts U0
Ruonan Gao Desautels Faculty of Management U2
Jinyu Zhang Education U1
Yiwen Liu Engineering U1
liu siwei Arts U2
zhang qu engineering U2
wenhao fu engineering U3
Xuetong Sun Chemical Engineering U3
Ruijie Xia Science Graduate
Iris Kong Science U1
Kristin Li Management U3
Yutian Fu Arts U2
Runge Fu Software engineering U1
Ashley Hasegawa Science U3
Ming Feng Agriculture and Environmental Science U2
Yue Zhong Desautels U3
Zhe Zhou Science U2
Ruisi Wu Management U3
maoyu wang arts U3
Zilin Li Bachelor of Arts and Science U1
Joshua Manascu Science U2
Ziqi Fu Arts and Science U2
Xianye Cheng Faculty of Arts U2
Xirui Wang Science U4
Audrey Yu Science U2
Jinqiu Guo psychology U3
Kexin Shi Management U1
Mengyu Chang Science U2
Cynthia Shi Arts U2
Thomas Fridmannn Arts U2
Wazeerah Rohomutally Arts U3
Parker Brown Engineering U3
Hanyu Wu Management U3
Bhavyaa Chandarana Science U4
Coco Song Arts U1
XUANXI LIU Desautels Faculty of Management U3
Bruce Wang Engineering U3
Yuchen Li Management Master
Christy Shao interfaculty of arts and science U3
Tianyi Zhang Management U3
Mamoun Mehdi Desautels U2
Yuchen Liang Arts U2
Shiqing Shen Arts U1
Yueshan Hou Arts U3
Marianick Benoit Science U4
Zhinuo Li Arts U1
Sheng Zou Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences U3
Anlei Lu Nutrition U3
Ruoyan Zhang Management (Desautels) U2
Adelina Nie Arts U2
Boyan Li Arts U2
Shuyi Yang Faculty of Management U4
Qinxin Xu Arts U3
Yarina You Agricultural and environmental science U3
Catherine Lyu Science U3
Sam Haward Arts Alumni
Isadora Borges Monroy Political science Graduate
Yilan Lu Engineering U3
Tom Chong Law U1
Yunfei Liu Materials Engineering U3
Judy Qin Agriculture and Environmental biology U2
Junlin, Zhuo Computer Engineering U3
Sung Jun Lee Science U2
ya gao Agriculture U5
Daniel Fassler Science U2
Yuqi Zhang Political science; Economics U2
Hengxian Jiang Arts U3
Monica Zhou Commerce U3
Mounes Abdoh Arts U1
Océane Fillion Desautels Faculty of Management U4
Sophia Lenz Science U2
Edwars Sky Chang Yau Engineering U3
Jingwen Xiao Arts U2
XUANXI LIU Desautels U3
Wenxi Geng Of Arts U1
YiAn Cai Arts and Science U3
Justin Li School of Computer Science Master 3
YaweiZhang Nutrition U3
Insha Sohail Arts U4
Sophie Zheng Nursing U1
Catalina Sosa Arts Graduated
Phuong Hoang Arts U1
Jiaqi Xing Management U3
Matthew Cecere Science U2
Daniel Greco Arts U2
Alan Zhang Management U1
Michelle Larocque Arts U4
Ningning Yang Science U1
Jiahao Jiang Science U0
Estelle Yu AES U3
Jessica Dekker Mathematics U2
Megane Pepin Science Grad Class of 2021
Mickey Wu Education U3
Wenhua Lian U1
Beixi Du Arts U0
Natan Shaviv Arts U4
Emory Clyde Burton Arts U3
Tamanna Patel Arts U2
Saipriya Sharma Science U4
Richard Ziegahn Engineering U3
Bianyuan Zheng Arts U1
Rui Cheng Education U3
Autumn Chu Engineering U1
Zachary Feng Science U3
HanYu Zhu Art U2
Xinyue Hu Bioengineering U3
Linpei Duan Software Engineering U3
Zhengrui Chen Science U2
Wilson Rimberg Arts U3
Yebin Du Commerce U3
Lujia Feng Management U3
Madison Schacter U2
Adam Hamdan Desautels U4
Kristen Ma Bachelor of Arts and Science U3
Rasha Lama Desautels Winter 2021 graduate
Mikaela Le Management U3
Yang Yi Lin Guo Arts U3
Erika MacKenzie Arts U3
Emily Gilcher Education U4
Signe Anderson Science U1
Jessica Staicu Science U3
Xinge Lin Civil engineering U2
Wenhui Zhang Agriculture and environmental sciences U5
Etienne Sebag Science U4
Yun Shan Nong Arts U1
Binghui Li Science U3
Duncan Warltier Natural Respurce Sciences PhD5
Livesh Armoogum Science U2
Zihan Chen Arts U2
Mohammad Abdullah Arts and Science U2
Arts U3
Xin ran he Neuroscience U2
Yuchen Han Engineering U3
Yandi zhang Agriculture and environment U2
Luofan Shi AES U3
Zoe Wong Management U3
Yara Coussa Arts U3
Yuting Wang Management U3
Yuxin Song Management U3
Nina Strasky Engineering U4
Cassie Powell Arts and Science U3
Meijiang Wei Arts U1
Yue Faculty of Arts and Science U1
David Chun Engineering U3
Kim Lefort Arts U3
Maya Ardon Arts U2
Lifan Arts U2
Yue Lang Li Elec Eng U2
Danqing Lin Agriculture and Environmental Science U2
Qi Liang Science U3
Marielle Markovitz Arts U4
Lina Berzane Arts
Lingjia Hu Science U2
Frederic Vinal EducTion U3
Ruth Tewah Medicine and Health Sciences U2
Anna Li Science U3
Jessie Ye Science U3
Maria Leo Mechanical Engineering U3
Xinyi Mao Arts U2
Huasen Xiong Arts and Science U3
Austin Yang Engineering U3
Xiaochen Zhu Mechanical Engineering U2
Fiona King Science U3
Victorine Sirveaux Arts U4
Zhengyi Wang Agricultural and environmental sciences U3
Marvin Li Engineering U3
Tim Zhang Bioengineering U3
Agriculture & Environmental Science U3
Christina Chou Medicine Graduate studies
Simin Tan Agricultural and environmental sciences U1
Minzhe Feng Faculty of Science U2
Hubert Zhu Arts U1
Sarah Jeong Arts U1
Marie Schvarzman Linguistics U2
yifan ni environmental biology U3
Bingqing Li engineering U4
Cecilia Burns Science U3
Maia Irvin Science U1
Bryan engineering U3
Wenjing Lin Nursing U2
Crystal Chen Arts U1
Yuyan Chen Science U3
Andrew Yang Arts U3
Astrid arts U1
Zeyu Li Science U3
Jiahao Xu Faculty of Engineering U3
Huining huang Arts U3
Ye Yuan Science U2
Shuaishuai Jiang Faculty of Science U2
Sasha Xu Arts U2
Chris He Science U4
Rachel Tang Desautels U2
Wenny Fan Arts U2
Licheng Qian Faculty of Science U2
Yuchen Zhou Science U3
Arantza Fernandez Arts U3
Magali Lacoste Education U4
Suzy Newing Law L3
Mir Abdullah Al Rakib Arts U3
Yabo Chen Agriculture and Environmental Science. U2
Maira Corinne Claudio Arts and Science U2
Nancy Xiang Faculty of arts U2
Fiona Wolckenhaar Science U2
Annina DeLuca Desautels U3
Yizhou Xu Science U2
Shuning Wang Management U2
Maosen Xu Architecture U3
Rachel Diotte-Lyles Faculty of Arts U3
Lin Yang Arts U1
Haozhi Li Science U2
Julia Hwang Biomed & lifesci U3
Andrew Blackwell Science U2
Stefan Papuc Faculty of Arts U3
Ingrid Lu Faculty of Medicine M1
Jason Wang Management U2
Julia Warren Engineering U4
Omar Abou Sharebain Engineering U4
Yiwei Bian Arts and Science U3
Dov Ellis Arts U3
Michael Quinsey Arts U3
Yanou li Arts U1
Susan Zhang Education U2
Maude Bernier Faculty of medicine and health sciences U2
Beiyu Li Faculty of Science U2
Anne de Gala Arts U3
Wren Wagenbach U2
Yiting Wang Science U2
Asikaer Nadila Arts and science U2
Alexander Bertrand Science U3
Yuanyuan Xiao BA U2
Amir Hotter Yishay Law U1
qinrui yan science U1
Manuela Reveiz Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences Graduate student
Xinjie Liu Management U2
Isabel Park Arts U4
Danka Davidovic Arts
Andreas Harford Arts U2
Yan Gu science U1
Alex Cai Science U3
Jessica Qin Arts U2
Kitty Li Science U5
Yuxuan Zhang Faculty of Agriculture and Environment U0
Langdon Kay Engineering U4
Maren Roeske Arts U3
Brooklyn Frizzle Science U3
Wenchen Shao Science U3
Mateo Taylor Arts U3
Lea Charron-Duhamel Management U3
Zahur Ashrafuzzaman Arts and Science U2
Mark Mircic Music U5
Madeline Wilson BA ‘20 Alumn
Selene Yang Engineering U3
Samti luk Faculty of science U2
Emma Samson Arts U3
Emma Nephtali Arts & Science U4
Kristin Manfreda Arts U3
Shealeigh Sangollo Arts U3
Allison Ford Agricultural and Environmental Sciences PhD student
Samuel Helguero Law U3
Muzammil Younus Science U2
Anya Zaretsky Faculty of Arts U1
Wenxiao Ye Chemical Engineering U3
Yaqi Chi Agricultural and environmental science U2
Ben Doherty Management U1
Peini Cheng Engineering U1
Xin Yuan Du Science U2
Jiuyue Cai Science U4
Sasha Kumar Arts and Science U3
Léo Han Science U3
Lillian Huang Arts U3
Lauren Hill Arts Graduated
Zenya Hendricks Faculty of Arts U1
ZiRui Zhou Desautels U1
Ivan Zhang Engineering U1
Cloé Irasque Arts U1
Emma Fingerle Arts U2
Aliosha Hurry Faculty of Law U3
Connor McNeil Arts U1
Emma Long Arts U1
Rose Paquet Law U2
Tallis Clark Arts U3
Rachel Murphy Science U3
William Jin Engineering U3
Miranda Medeiros Science MSC year 1
Achyuth Syamchandra Arts U3
Max Zhang Music U3
Jasmine Gordon Engineering U3
Sivan Milton Arts U3
Gabi Janssen Music U3
Gabriela Blaszczyk Science U3
Ling Li Arts U4
Sally Yao Science U2
Kelsey Szczerbickyj Arts U2
Ashley Clark Law U2
Xiaotian Wang Faculty of Arts U3
Rojin Esmaeili Law
Zihao Geng Science U2
Leah Rose Bethel Schulich School of Music U5
Alexandru Bangala Engineering U2
Tatianna Sitounis Arts U4
Emily Lawrence Management U3
Joudy Charbaji Medecine- SPOT U2
Svetlana Simantov Arts U3
Jasmine Gonzalez Arts U3
Alexa Brunet Agricultural and Environmental Science U2
Rachel Hottle Music PhD 3
Maxime Pierrot Engineering U3
Anurag Choudhury Arts U3
Mirella Deng Management U3
Menglin He Faculty of Engineering U4
Jessica Recher Science U3
Laura Helliker Education U1
Darcy Tyler Arts and Science U3
Eve Bouffard Management U3
Mariah Lisi Faculty of Arts U2
Xintian Xu Science U3
Calista McNicol Arts U3
Eleanor Dakin Science U3
Triana Callam Faculty of Arts U2
Jennifer Spiegel Law 2L
Brianna Bernhardt Law U2
Emily Cherlet Law U4
Ryan Kim Arts U2
Katarina Markovic Education U4
Olivia Holden Educational and Counselling Psychology MA1
Guanzhou Wu Engineering U2
Theo Bernard Faculty of Engineering U4
Logan Pecht Arts U1
Rowan Kerwin Arts U3
Hongjun Chen Science U1
Huicong Huang Science U4
Science U1
Sarah Wylie engineering U2
Erin Smith Arts U5
Olivia Locke Science U2
Estelle Moreau Médecine U3
Iek Ian Lam Agricultural economics U3
Gil Subeck Faculty of Arts U1
Yangjingming Fu Arts U2
Jessie Li Arts U3
Wangxinyue Li Arts U2
Zixi Luo Arts U2
Mianchen Wang Engineering U2
Yinan Zhang Science U4
Shiyao Tang Science U2
Melody Hsu Arts U3
Yuchen Chen Science U4
Rosemary Tarquinio Faculty of Education U3
Maya Dagher Science U3
Naim temlock Science U3
Avery Li Science U3
Tyler Haughton Arts U4
Soyeon Lee Arts U4
liu xiuli arts U2
yanxinliu arts U2
caoliwen science U0
Emma Sitland Law 3L
Amanda Diallutto-Perez Arts U3
Niamh Leonard Law U3
Samah Khandker Arts U3
Tianyue Wang Arts U0
Yijing (Hope) Zhang Sciences U2
Haochen bai Science U2
Jiawen Duan Faculty of arts U2
Jiaqi Xu Science U2
Jingyi Zhu Management U3
Xinyue Yu Agricultural and Environmental Sciences U2
Tian Zhang Arts U3
Ada Yetis Interfaculty Arts and Science U4
Kevin Leung Management U3
Aixa Lacroix Management U2
Xinyi Guo Science U2
Sienna Hsu Arts U0
Yuanqing Guo Faculty of Arts U3
Clemence Granade Arts U4
Eleanor Stern Natural Resource Sciences M2
Huiyun LI Arts U1
Barbara Cianda Badiambile Social Work U3
Ghita Chiboub Law 1L
Ziqian Han Science U3
Catherine Plawutsky U2
Angela Teng U1
Siyi Wang Desautels U3
Lingzhi Zhang Engineering U3
Ziteng Yin arts U1
Jiayu Gu Management U3
Ana Pena Special
Ivan Mendoza Arts U3
Tyler Schwartz Science U2
Victoria Principe Law U1
Lisa Sarrazin Desautel U2
Marina Broomfield Science U3
Zijin Nie Engineering U4
Zhaowen Shen Management U3
Yue Zeng environmental science U2
Shuran Pan Science U2
Émilie Louise Marie LaFlèche Law U4
Mengyuan Gao Management U2
Mihaela Athaide Management U3
Maxine Rowe Arts U3
Claire Frankel Arts U2
Zongxuan Lin Engineering U4
Xuefei Chen Engineering U4
Erin McGoey Arts Graduate
Beatrice Robert Art U2
Allison Silver Music U3
Changrong Yu Human Nutriton and Dietetics U1
Ruo Ying Qi Faculty of management U1
Maheen Akter Arts Alumni
Ashwin Nair Arts U4
Tania Nazare Rodrigues Schulich School of Music MA2
Laura Osborne Arts U4
Alexander Merims Science U2
Elina Qureshu Arts U3
Shirley Li Science U0
Leah Yrastorza-Daghman School of Social Work U3
Maahir Shah Science U3
Lena Heng Music PhD candidate
Saasha Gulamani Faculty of Arts U4
Declan Forde Arts U3
Gabriella Freeman Arts U2
Ha Nhuan Dong Arts U1
Christina Kara Bachelor of social work U1
Chrystal McTurk Nursing U3
Nishka Kataria Arts U3
Léo Zaffran Arts U3
Sasha Boyce Arts/Social Work U3
Law L1
Yilan Cai Agricultural and Environmental Sciences U3
Xinru Shen Agricultural and environmental science U3
Yangyang Chen AES U1
Adèle Arts U2
Vlad Rudakou Agricultural and Environmental Sciences U2
Claudia Koutsis Science U4
Nicholas Dew Arts
Associate Professor, Department of History and Classical Studies
Hala Majzoub Education U4
Rebekah Khan Science U1
Yuan Kelly Arts U3
Arman Shroff-Mehrabadi Engineering U2
Hairong Guan Agriculture and environmental science U2
Xinyao Han Arts U2
Jacob Wang Science U2
Zhicong Song Management U3
Shijie Yu Arts U3
Yuehan Ma Engineering U4
yuze 刘 science U3
Coral Scott Engineering U3
Leila El-ammouri U3
Chanel Social work U3
Holly Watson Engineering U4
Purui Chen Engineering U3
Xiangyun Wang Engineering U3
Seraphin Bassas Science U4
Hu Jukai Science Faculty U3
Grace Tracey Arts U3
Olivia Mustos Arts U3
Ziwei Hu Science U1
Ariane Scott Agricultural and environmental sciences U4
Paloma Hepler Nursing
Pahading Gulinigaer Faculty of Agriculture and Environmental Sciences U3
Thomas Morrone Arts U2
Hunaifa Malik Faculty of Arts U3
Shelley Denise Balibalos Science U3
Ghania Javed Arts U2
Dizhi Xiao Arts U2
Mahnoor Syed Arts U3
Tatiana Reid Education Graduate
Jingkang Wang Arts U2
Amandine allmang Science U4
Jashanbir Singh Arts U0
Gauri Sethi Arts U0
Sadia Mohammad Mechanical engineering U1
Mritunjay Rampal Arts U0
Chhavi Verma Arts U1
Priyanshu Bhandari Arts U0
Sameera Govindu Arts U0
Yasmina Shawki Education U2
Rahema Imtiaz Arts U3
Yuan JI arts U1
Yuvika Dandiwal Arts U3
Daniel Aird Engineering U4
Caitlyn kovalcik Arts U3
Veronica Skotarczyk Psychology U2
Saadwi Balaji Arts U1
Niyati Raj U0
Quishia San Andres Science U2
Armain Labeeb Engineering U1
Minalou Kunze–Roelens Management (Desautels) U4
Yiming Ding Nursing U2
Anahita Mohapatra Science U4
Shuang Liang Arts U4
Aneeka Anderson Arts U4
Stuart Vine Arts U3
Jodie Anderson Arts U4
Christophe Gilbert Arts U3
Arwyn Regimbal Social Work U1
Saad Shahbaz Arts U3
Sophia Moubarak Engineering U1
Robin Kang Engineering U4
Kaavya Mohan Arts U3
Nicholas Koran Science U2
Megan Athaide Medicine and Health Sciences Graduate Student
Finn McGhee Science U2
Anaïs Léveillé-Blais Ag. Env. Sciences U4
Liam Wilson Science U2
Atreyi Srivastava Engineering U1
Treasa O’Hagan Medicine MSc first year
Lambert Francis Science U3
Andrew Zeng science U1
Cassandra Sorin arts U2
Bianca Matthews Science U2
Mariam Sabbah Desautels U3
Chinchin Wang Medicine and Health Sciences PhD
Samantha Ching-Sum Lau Nursing U1
Heide Leger Gallegos arts U3
Rosie Deslauriers Arts U3
Aryan Chowdhary Faculty of Science U0
Enqi Wang Science U2
Ananya Uppal Arts U1
Michael Dickinson Arts U3
Anushree Joshi Arts, Department of English MA1
Shashini Rathnayaka Engineering Graduate student
Gabriela de Medeiros Law U4
Aryan Akhilesh Science U0
Phoebe Holt-Reiss Arts U1
Shannon Constantine Arts Graduate student
Ankita Parashar Educational and Counseling Psychology MEd
Robin Sharma Education Ph.D. 3
Avinash Bhat Science Master
Zeqi Li Faculty of Engineering U3
Shutong Chen Faculty of Science U3
Ariana Castillon Arts U3
Ameena Nizar Beema Dentistry Masters (non-thesis)
Violette Drouin Arts U3
Ryan Schmedding Science PhD3
Jelena Salome Rajkumar Management Graduate
Azba Shaikh Medicine U0
Sifuni Kajiru BNI U2
Claire Michaud Arts U4
Thomas Woodfine-MacPherson Engineering U4
Claire Sun Science U1
isabelle reynolds education U2
Taylor Lynn Curtis Engineering U5
Ilias Hader Engineering U4
Aayush Bhat Engineering U3
Ian Clements Arts U2
Abby Fenwick Arts U3
Brian Spivak Management U3
Thomas Leone Arts U3
Thomas Leone U3
Thomas Molina UdeM U7
Cathy Jin Arts U3
Jichen Wang Science U1
Zhelin Xu Science U3
Matthew Goldie Arts and Sciences U4
Marcus Kam Engineering
YF C Desautels U2
Shreya Jayyam Food Science and Agricultural chemistry Master’s
manon delacote arts U4
Helena Pinchuk Arts U4
Manon delacote Arts U4
Stephanie Belmer Law U2
Augustin Bilaine Arts U2
Shruti Rughani Arts and Science U0
Liliane Nguyen Management U2
Laura Charney Law 2L
Grace Commers Geography U4
Virginie Combet EBOH Graduate
Miki Alexander Arts U2
Vanessa Nichols Epidemiology and Biostatistics Masters
Piraveena Satkunanathan Science U4
Gabby Law U1
Nathalie Jack Arts U1
Sebastian Morrissette Medicine U2
Ariel Lamontagne Arts U2
Ruixun Huang Arts U3
Simran Bhimani Sociology U4
Meenusha S Law U3
Subanky Satkunanathan Accounting U4
Xinyue Hu Bioengineering U4
Sébastien Belliveau Medicine and Health Sciences M3
Gabriel Mornat Management G1
Siqi Liu U1
Anna Li Engineering U3
Mariève Cyr Medicine and Health Sciences U3
Anna Chudakov Arts U1
Sarah Gildone Arts U3
Maggie Gunter Arts U3
Kizzi Aristide Arts U3
Emily Zhu Arts U4
Jake Pogharian Engineering U4
Eva Elbert Arts U0
Naz yagmur Alpdogan Arts U3
Aron Rosenberg Education Grad Student
Chelsea Jang Education U3
Suofeiya Man Arts U3
HaitengChen Arts U1


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