Maintaining Status

Maintaining Status

In order to retain their status, Services are expected to complete a number of mandatory administrative tasks at the beginning of every year. If a Services fails to complete any of these six tasks, it risks being deemed inactive and losing its status, as per the Internal Regulations of Student Groups.

The tasks are:

1) Complete the Student Group Information Form

The Student Group Information Form is how the SSMU determines if your group is active. All SSMU Clubs, Services, and Independent Student Groups must fill out the form every academic year at the beginning of the fall semester, or when any change occurs in their executive structure or contact information. If the form is not submitted, access to SSMU services – such as room bookings and financial assistance – will be suspended until it is completed.

It is important to note that details in the Executive Contact Information section must match your Service’s constitution. For example, you cannot have executive members in positions that are not outlined in your constitution; the SSMU would not recognize those positions or those executive members.

The form is also used to update your Service’s information in the Service Listing on the SSMU website, so make sure to complete the form all the way to the very end!

2) Attend the Service Workshops

Two executives from each Service must attend a number of SSMU-run workshops every year in order to maintain their Service Status. For the Gendered and Sexual Violence Worshop, 5 or 50% of executives must attend (whichever would require the smallest number of people to attend). These workshops provide information about requirements, finances, resources, contacts, accessibility, and other matters related to the operation of Services. Services will receive information about workshop dates via the Services Listserv sent to their email addresses.

The workshops are:

  • Services Workshops (Service Summit)
  • Equity Workshops
  • Sustainability Workshops
  • Gendered and Sexual Violence (GSVP) Workshops

If your group has missed a workshop, please contact the Club and Services Coordinator ( for make-up dates.
Keep an eye on all the dates and registration procedures announced in the Services Listserv and on the Clubs and Services Facebook Page.

3) Adhere to their Constitution

Your constitution will describe the purpose, structure, high-level procedures, and mechanics of the Service. Keep in mind that all constitutions must reference and defer to the SSMU Constitution and Internal Regulations. For guidelines on what your constitution should include, please see the Constitutional Requirements for Services. Any modification to the constitution or other governing document of any Service must be submitted in writing to the Services Administrator ( The Services Review Committee will review all proposed amendments and make a recommendation to the SSMU Legislative Council for approval and the Board of Directors for ratification.

4) Adhere to All SSMU and McGill Policies and Regulations

There are several important SSMU policies that you need to consider when running your Service. Below you will find a list of the most relevant documents and resources that must be reviewed by your Service executives:

For a complete collection of the Society’s policies, please visit the Constitution, Internal Regulations, and Policies page.

5) Inform the SSMU of All Their Events

Events held by Services may be eligible for insurance coverage, but the SSMU needs up-to-date information to ensure that each activity is covered under our insurance policy. Any Service event or activity must be declared via the Declaration of Event & Insurance Request Form prior to its commencement and promotion. For details about how many days in advance an event needs to be declared, please consult the Student Groups Event Preparation Checklist. For more information, please head to Insurance and Liability.

6) Budget

All Services must coordinate the development of their budget with the Vice-President (Finance) – or, in their absence, the General Manager – so that it can be reviewed and approved in September of each fiscal year.

Besides the administrative tasks outlined above, there are certain requirements SSMU Services need to be aware of in order to operate properly. These requirements are outlined below.

These requirements are outlined below:

A. Human Resources

Services may not recruit, select, or engage employees or contractors without approval from the SSMU Human Resources Department.
B. Volunteers

To ensure that all volunteers of your Service are registered under the SSMU administration, please make sure to request that all volunteers, including all executives, complete the SSMU Service Volunteer Form.

Additionally, please provide all your volunteers with the printed or electronic version of the SSMU Volunteer Manual. This manual can also be found in the confirmation message after registration is complete. A copy of each form submission will be sent to your group’s SSMU email to keep for your records.

If your Service requires any additional information be added to this form (i.e., specific requirements) please contact the Events Administrator at

C. Contracts & Agreements

All SSMU Services are part of the Society and have no independent legal status. As such, they cannot enter into legally binding contracts or engage in activities that would pose a risk or liability to the SSMU; this includes, but is not limited to, contracts and/or agreements (including verbal agreements) with venues, catering, sponsors, and any services.

Should you wish to enter into contractual agreements with a third party, it is compulsory to submit these agreements (as an attachment) by filling out the Declaration of Event & Insurance Request Form or contacting the Operations Department ( for processing.

Please also make sure to consider all the information in the Contracts & Agreements Checklist.

D. Naming Conventions

To respect the SSMU’s Memorandum of Agreement with McGill, all SSMU Services must use the word “Students” when using “McGill” in their name. If you choose to have “McGill” in your group name, please email the Vice-President (Student Life) at so they can coordinate with the DPSLL office to receive official approval from McGill.

If your name does not include “Student,” please fill out the McGill Club Registration form (Office of Student Life and Learning) to request the use of “McGill” in the name of your student group.

Please ensure that you include the following note in all Services communications which include but are not limited to, your website, social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), and printing materials (banners, posters, flyers):

“A Student Group of the Students’ Society of McGill University (SSMU)”

If you would like to change the name of your Service, you will need to email the Services Administrative Coordinator a copy of your constitution with the updated name of your group. It will go to the Services Review Committee for initial approval. Once it has been approved there, it will be confirmed at the SSMU Legislative Council and then made official on all SSMU documentation and platforms. If you have any questions, do not hesitate to reach out to the Service Administrative Coordinator at

If you would like to request that a change be made to your group’s information on the SSMU website, please contact If you would like to change the name of your email address, please email

E. Annual Executive Transition

At the end of every academic year, it is necessary for the executives of a Service to fulfill certain requirements and ensure a smooth turnover for the following year. These requirements include organizing and keeping records of certain documents as well as making sure that new executives are able to access your Service’s finances and financial history. The necessary steps outgoing and incoming executives must carry out each year are outlined below.

Incoming Executives:

  • Complete the Student Group Information Form (make sure that two executives are registered as Signing Officers – see Finance and Funding for more information on Signing Officers).
  • Attend all required workshops (e.g., Service, Equity, GSVP, and Sustainability Workshop) during the fall semester or as required.

Outgoing Executives:

  • Keep records of your status application.
  • Archive your constitution and any updates to the constitution.
  • Create exit reports for each executive position.
  • Create database of online credentials (passwords, usernames, etc.).
  • Outline any additional information that future executives may find helpful (activities, calendars, etc.).
  • Ensure that all outstanding invoices, bills, and subscriptions have been paid in full.

Note: In order to keep all executive records and important documentation/information for future years, it is recommended that you archive all of your files in your Service’s Google Drive.

F. Alcohol

The following regulations describe what Services can and cannot do with respect to organizing events that include alcohol and alcohol purchasing:

  1. Funds may not be used for alcohol purchases except alcohol purchased at venues holding a valid liquor permit for the purpose of consumption on site;
  2. Individuals will not be reimbursed for alcohol purchases made outside of venues;
  3. The SSMU must approve any events involving alcohol.

If you wish to purchase alcohol, you may do so by making a request at least twenty-one (21) business days in advance and selecting one of the two following options:

  1. A CSP (CONSOMMATION SUR PLACE) or bar establishment permit allows the bar or restaurant to sell alcohol to the patrons of the establishment. This means that the establishment has accepted the responsibilities and laws set forth by the Québec government. A Service may have a contract or agreement prepared between them and the venue. Once the agreement is in place they may then make a request with the SSMU to have the contract or agreement signed. This is the easiest way for Services to have an event involving alcohol since the venue will coordinate all the necessary logistics.
  2. A CAD (CONSOMMATION À DOMICILE) or reunion permit is a temporary permit that may be applied to space or venue when requested on behalf of a non-profit organization. In order to serve wine, beer, or any other type of alcoholic beverage at an event a reunion permit issued by the Québec government must be in place. The SSMU must take the responsibility of applying for the reunion permit; Additionally, the SSMU must sign the venue space rental agreement prior to filling in the application request for the reunion permit. Due to legal liability, if this type of request is needed, the SSMU must supply all support staff (including servers, coordinators, and security). This is the least recommended option, since it could involve additional costs to your event.

Only SSMU student groups that receive the approval from the SSMU via the Event Declaration and Insurance Form are allowed to proceed with their events that include alcohol and alcohol purchasing.

If you have any questions, please contact the SSMU Events Administrator at

G. Cannabis

Service funds may not be used for cannabis purchases under any circumstances.
H. Food Sales

Only SSMU student groups that receive authorization from the SSMU Operations Department may sell or serve food on/off campus at designated locations.

SSMU student groups who wish to host bake sales, samosa sales, and other food-related events on/off campus will need to complete an Application for the Sale and Service of Food on Campus at least fifteen business (15) days prior to the event.

Note: This procedure is not required for hot or cold beverages (such as coffee, tea, packaged juices or soft drinks) and/or pre-individually packaged food items by the manufacturer that remain un-manipulated (such as granola bars, candies, chocolate bars, etc.).

All procedures are outlined in the SSMU Sale and Service of Food Policy and the MAPAQ Regulations to protect the health and safety of all students, employees, and campus visitors.

There is a $25 administrative and processing fee in order to extend the legally required food permit to student groups. Groups will be able to rent food equipment required for the food they will be selling as specified in the SSMU Sale and Service of Food Protocol from the SSMU. Groups will need to submit their request by filling out the Sale and Service of Food Equipment Rental form and paying the applicable fees for the rental of the equipment and supplies.

If you have any questions regarding the food procedures, please contact the Operations Department at

We do our best to ensure the site is as up to date as possible, but new developments in Service processes may take time to go live. Please take note that the information listed above may not reflect the most recent changes.